Funny story-Getting playoff tickets & deer season

iron buck

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Friday night a friend of mine stopped over & had a few beers. While we were talking about the next days pplayoff game with the Jets & the fact that Saturday would be the last day of deer season in the special regulation areas & statewide for late archery & flintlock seasons............his phone rang. It was a client of his that called to ask him if he wanted to go to the playoff game the next day. After thinking about it for .01 seconds my buddy told him yes . He hung up the phone, looked at me smiling & said I just got a free ticket to the hottest game in town I looked at him & said you LUCKY S.O.B.! grin.gif After that we talked about going out hunting for the last day of flintlock. HE said because of the game (tailgating grin.gif) he'd sit the last day out. I'd be hunting on my own. As we were talking I could hear my cell phone ringing while it was on the charger in the other room. It was 8pm. I joked with him and said that was one of my clients calling me with a free ticket We both laughed. My buddy went home at 11:30pm Friday night ..............and I took my phone of the charger to check the message. To my amazement, one was from a client saying that he had an extra ticket for the playoff game between the Steelers & the Jets & that I needed to call him that night on his cell to let him know if I could make it. !!!! My problem was that it was now aftwr 11:30 Friday night............but considering it an emergancy, I made the call then and there! grin.gif His phone was turned of so I left a mesage saying that I'd love to go if the ticket was still available. I said he could call me as early as he wanted to let me know LOL I went to bed thinking that I'd blown a chance at going to the game because I did not check my message when it came at 8pm that night. The ticket would probably be gone. Oh well...........there was always hunting in the morning before the game

I woke up the next day and got ready for the hunt. I placed my cell phone set on vibrate in my chest pocket and headed into the woods at 6am. At 8 am I saw a group of 8 does heading along the ridge heading my way only out about 70 yards & closing. The trail they were on would bring them past my stand at only 30 yards! grin.gif Just then I felt my phone buzz ..............It was my client! After thinking about it for .0001 seconds, I decided to forget about the deer & hunting and answered my phone wink.gif. He said the ticket was still avaialble and that I was welcome to go if I wished grin.gif .Of course I said yes. And of couse the deer heard the conversation and spooked when they were about 40 yards from me. Bolting back into heavy cover & safety. Safe for another year. I laughed at the whole thing. Packed up my stuff & packed out happy. I had a tailgate to attend & a playoff game to go see grin.gif

So it all turned out well. I got my free ticket & the Steelers did win after providing a bit of excitement LOL grin.gif Life is good!

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Re: Funny story-Getting playoff tickets & deer season

I was in section 540. WAY up top above the stelers bench side and down hear the score board. grin.gif

I had a few friends there that I tried to meet for tailgates but it was so crowded I never did find them. it would have been nice to have met you and tipped a few back lol grin.gif

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