My Shoulders Are Shot!


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I have been fighting the shoulder pain for about 8 months now and my job as a electrician require a fair amount of overhead work. Well when I was getting woke up 10 times a night in pain the wife was right, I went and saw a doctor

He has givin me cortizone injections in both shoulders and has givin me 3 different anit- inflamitory's to try but none have helped so far. I have 15 days of Celebrex left and then it is time for the knife!

He will grind out the bone under the shelf on my left shoulder and say's I will have about 4-6 weeks of physical therapy, then we tie into the left shoulder and do it all over again:eek::eek:.

I will probably be off work about 2.5 months by the time all of this goes down. But the Celebrex will get me through with the pain meds I have until I get to hunt the first turkey season with my gun LOL.

As time gets closer I will update but it looks like time off work in the near horizon. I guess thats what 30 years in one type of work can do for ya!

Later Kirk

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