Hey ladies....


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What have you been up to? Noticed the forum is a little quiet...lol. Staying busy?

Me....first week back after spring break at college....exam in nursing tomorrow, then a nursing skills exam Monday....same old same old. Been seeing turkeys driving to college each morning, and one strutting both mornings.

Something to take my mind off all this homework and studying....:rolleyes:

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Been working alot lately. I was on call last week and had to go in twice to cover for the nurses that called in sick. That is the worst part of working in Long Term Care. There has to be an RN in the building at all times. Went out last night and heard a few gobbles but they were already on the roost by the time I got out, we had a storm system moving in and I guess they roosted early. Still just as exciting to hear 'em talking though. Maybe I'll have a little luck this evening.

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....If anyone was wondering, in my post above,the "dumb spruce chickens"are the ones I was refering to that we have up here....you can throw a rock at them, and kill one....one bus driver here in town swerves with all the kids in his bus , at a certain time and place a year, and always knabs a bunch for lunch-:rolleyes::confused::eek:(he is a little different).

-Our ruffed grouse have a smaller bag limit....and -anyway...just wanted to clarify-:)

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Around here, we are more than ready for spring to arrive in full bloom! Tomorrow we're off for a fun couple of days at an indoor waterpark/lodge type thing. The kids are geeked! :D (Okay, my husband and I are excited, too. . . :rolleyes:).

The turkeys are starting to break up, it seems. My permit is for most of the month of May. I can't wait!

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i've been working and hunting, but theres been more working than hunting this week, but thats ok....i gave my last permit to my boss, he wants to get a bird by himself so i'll be home this weekend, unless i take the hubby out sun.....kinda bummed me out that he didnt want me going with him,but i've neglected things around here for over a month now...i think i'll be cleaning this weekend.

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I've been getting my bow setup with some new birthday gifts that my parents surprised me with early. I now have Limbsaver Ultra Quad Split Limb Silencers, Super String Leeches, and a Mini S-Coil Stabilizer to install. I got the stabilizer on, now have to work on the limb silencers. I'll be keeping the string leeches until I get my strings changed and then I'll put those on too. :D

After I get those things installed I have to get my bow prepared to be sent out to Mike Myer's to have him install his custom strings, cables and the Myer's Predators View Peep sight and re-tune/tweak my bow. I also am going to have him throw on one those knotless loops while he has the strings off the bow. Now I just got to save up some money to get my arrows refletched, get some replacement blades for my broadheads, and possibly if I have enough birthday money left over get the new sight that I've been wanting to get for months, the Trophy Ridge Matrix GS and their sight light. :D

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Guest swmnk9training

I have been quite busy trying to keep up with all my school work. I had knee surgery 2 weeks ago so i've been busy with that. Working 2 jobs and trying to take care of the house all by myself is alot of work.

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