Prayer request


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.........MY REALTREE FAMILY...........THANK YOU....From My Heart....for your prayers;....The time you took for a kind thought......and meaningful words.....

- This was such a help to our family- to me......

And, thank you, Buckee (Steve)-;).........something I want to share for everyone......... :


COURAGE.....Isn't it a brilliant dash,

A daring deed in a moment's flash.........

It isn't an instantaneous thing-

Born of despair with a sudden spring...

It isn't a creature of flickered hope-

Or, the Final Tug at a slipping Rope.......

But it's something deep in the soul of Man...That is working always to serve some plan..

-COURAGE isn't the Last Resort

In the Work of Life or the Game of Sport;

It isn't a thing that a Man can call

At some future Time when he's apt to call...

If he hasn't 'till now, he will have it not-When the strain is great , and the pace is hot.......

For, Who would strive for a distant goal-

Must always have courage within His soul.

COURAGE isn't a dazzling light

That flashes and passes away from sight;

-It's a Slow, Unwavering, Ingrained Trait....with the patience to work, and the strength to Wait..

It's a part of man when his skies are blue....

It's a part of him when he has work to do;

The Brave Man never is free from it-

He has it when there is no need of it...

....COURAGE was never designed for show;

-It isn't a thing that can can come and go;

It's written in Victory and defeat-

And every trial a man can meet.

-It's part of his hours, and days and years.....

Back of His Smiles and beyond His Tears.....

-COURAGE is more than a daring deed:

-It's the Breath of Life.........and the Strong Man's Creed.......

..........- from"A Heap O' Livin" " Edgar A. Guest..........

-..........YOU ALL encompass what this poem says......

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