Is the NWTF still needed?


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The NWTF definitely can take some credit for the restoration/improvement of turkey populations and habitat in this country.

They are a hunting organization. No anti-hunting organization can claim to be responsible for what the NWTF has done.

Yep we need them.

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Let it go away and see what results. The success of the turkey and support State DNRs received to make it happen could reverse just as quickly. And as stated, so very few of the conservation organizations still hold (or have ever held) hunting rights to part of thier mission. One less pro-hunting group of any kind is a step in the wrong direction.

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Guest arizonagobbler

NWTF Needed

Some of you may be forgetting that 1/2 of the NWTF's Mission Statement is "The preservation of the hunting tradition". They have given over $1,000,000 to the Shooting Sports Foundation in support of your hunting and shooting rights!!! (Not to mention support of our sport all the way to the White House!!!) YES we still need the NWTF and always will.

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Why wouldn't the NWTF be needed. This is a very stupid question.

I asked this as a rhetorical question and just wanted everyones thoughts. Sorry if you thought it was stupid. I also think the NWTF is needed. I like what they do with Women in the Outdoors and Wheelin' Sportsmen, not to mention hunters rights. I also believe that the NWTF is to thank for the all time high number of birds that we have to hunt. 20 years ago we didn't have any birds where I live in Eastern KY but today we have them everywhere. I think that the NWTF and the KDFWR is the reason for that. I can remember a snowy morning in 1994 when I was able to open a release box and watch a hen run out, fly up a small hollow, and roost in an Oak tree. I'll never forget that. The box had NWTF written on it.

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Without a shadow of a doubt. Name me a organization that has not gone through bumpy roads and I'll show you an organization that has never experienced growing pains. Such an organization is generally stagnant and impotent. I can't say that about the NWTF. Keck lead the organization for almost 30 years. Now is simply a transitional time. It is also a very critical time. The NWTF members should get more involved now than ever. What better time to let youself known in what direction you want to see the NWTF go than when the board will be looking for a replacement? We should be involved at all times and not shoot the horse just for stumbling on a rock!

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