spiritual question


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hey yall got a bit if a question i been talkin to the army recruiter here and have been thinking of enlisting but i know i will probably be asked to take another persons life but the lord says thall shall not kill will he forgive me if i do i mean this has been on my mind for a while i really want to serve but i dont wann go against god word please help thanks for your time and answers. yb

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I've heard a lot of sermons on this topic. I believe the proper translation for "Though shall not Kill" is, "Thou shall not commit murder"

The Lord also says, "Blessed is the man, who lays down his life for another"

What it adds up to for me, is that I, as a Christian, have to weigh things, when it comes to fighting for your country.

Ask, yourself a few questions, like:

Are we at war, just to kill and destroy, and take over another country, or nation, or are we at war to free those in bondage, who are oppressed by Tyrants ?

Then ask yourself...am I willing to lay down my life, for these people.

The best answer I can give Brother. ;)

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Ill say 1 thing for you, when you come up with a quetion, its not an easy one! I will give you my 2 cents worth. I think if you are called to war by a Godly nation, for a Godly cause, you will have the Lords blessing ,& backing in all that you have to do. I also think that you better give some serious thought & prayer as to where & how our countrys leaders are leading us before you volunteer to fight. Take time to study the plight of Israels soldiers during the different leaders in Bible times. Lane

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Luke 22:

35Then Jesus asked them, "When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?"

"Nothing," they answered. 36He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.

Why would Jesus tell someone to buy a sword if he didn't intend for them to use it? Defending yourself, your family and you country is honorable.

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