Hawaii Trip coming to an end/Golf Update


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Well, tomorrow I leave the Hawaiian Islands and go back to Okinawa:(. I played so much golf man it aint funny. Oh yeah, the conference was good too...what I was there for anyway:D. Half of the sessions didn't even apply to me so why not just play golf.

Golf was real nice. I played the Turtle Bay Resort both the Palmer Course and the Fazio Course. I played Makaha Country Club, Kapolei Golf Course, and Luana Hills. I posted some pretty good scores and had a hand full of birdies especially at the Fazio Course at Turtle Bay. I have lots of real nice pictures I will post here after I get home.

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OK TS. get those pics up yesterday, I Just have a few questions.

How fast were the greens

did the ball roll out when it hit the fareway

how deep was the rough

did the greens hold nice with long iron shots

was the sand fine or coarse

where the holes long for the most part

That should satify my curiousity. LOL Can ya tell I'm a little jealouse.

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