A few pics I took this weekend


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Is that the new can-am outlander 800? I want that soo much. I like the Renegade 800 a little more but I test rode the outlander and love it. Im working on becoming a Can-am factory rider on there ds450 but im not sure how it will turn out. Nice pics shawn, thanks for sharing them.


It's a 2008 Outlander 500, Shane. I was thinking about the 800, but after realizing how much power those V-Twin EFI 500s have I opted to get that instead. It'd be wayyy more for insurance for the 800, plus more fuel needed to feed it. The 500s blow the competition to the moon in their own class, and meet or exceed most of the bigger classes. They have more power than a Honda 680 and are dead even with the Grizzly 700s. ;)

Quickest I've had it goin' was 64-65mph down the road, quick enough for me!:cool::D

The 800 Outlanders will do 75mph....:eek:

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