Found arrowheads while shed hunting


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These arrowheads really gave me a bug to make my own.

We also found larger rocks that arrowheads were made from, we shipped them home with the sheds and skulls.

Soo...I bought a book on knapping and a knapping tool.

Gonna fool around a bit and try to make my own.

Oh yeah, another thing we found also were meteorites.

We were told that this area of Texas gets Meteorite showers. Our friend showed us what one looked like and we found many others.

I should post pics of those too.

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sweet sweet, did you just find them laying there on the ground??

Yes we did. I kind of knew what to look for, and after we found the 1st one I showed my son Joe and he went on a tear finding about 4 more. Let me remind you we were on a 40,000 acre ranch! Who knows that last time certain land was walked or searched for artifacts or sheds? The property's border was some University's land and they had signs up at every access point about 'NO Trespassing, artifact hunting, no shed hunting, no hunting...period" seeing that sign alone told me we were in Indian territory and I'd be in sheds or arrowheads if I kept my eyes open.

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