Prayer request


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As some may remember my son Codie has had issues with his shoulder since getting it broken in 2 while wrestling at sectionals in February of 2007. Well it has never been completely well and he seperated it again while wrestling this season. So tomorrow morning in Columbus,Ohio he will undergo a surgical procedure where they will remove the bone that is broken off and repair what is necessary.

So I would like for those who can to pray that the doctors perform well and that Codie has a speedy recovery.

Maybe he might get a little turkey hunting in and return to the track team.

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Thank you all. It went well. They removed part of the bone. It had already turned arthritic. The surgeon said that he should be a perfectly healthy 17 year old high school athlete in 3 months.(surgeon is team physician for the Blue Jackets/Destroyers)

Here he was before


here he is after


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