Pete Rose


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Re: Pete Rose

If he used his influence as a player/manager to manipulate a game he bet on, then I say ban him. If he just bet on the outcome (other than his team or it's opponent), then I don't see a problem. But I know that violates the MLB rules....

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Re: Pete Rose

this is all nothing but hype for his stinking new book. this idiot finally admitted he bet on baseball and now he wants in the Hall .

i say forget him. tongue.gif

he claimed he never bet on the Reds or against them . yea right . if you believe that then i have some bridge property to sell you.

let him stand as the example to others not to do the same.


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Re: Pete Rose


he should be in the hall of fame enough said, who cares about him betting on baseball now that was way to long ago and he has paid his dues so he should be in the hall of fame

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He's lied to anyone and everyone who asked him if he bet on baseball for 14yrs! He has not paid his dues.

But all this "should he or shouldn't he" is irrelevent. Bud Selig needs something to be remembered by, other than being a totally inept commisioner, and reinstating Rose will be it.

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Re: Pete Rose

if it takes character to get in the hall of fame then he definetely doesn't belong there---if it just goes on being a great baseball player then no one deserves to be in more than him. there weren't very many players that played the game with the intensity and success that Pete Rose played. I do have mixed feeling about him getting in, and I also think he came clean to promote his book.

He was fun to watch and what a great hitter he was.


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Re: Pete Rose

One might think that Rose signing a lifetime ban from baseball would imply a confession.

He's a liar and betting on baseball, even though he knew the rules, should eliminate any belief that he respects the game.

He should never be allowed in the hall because he committed one sports' cardinal sins.

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Re: Pete Rose

How many current baseball players grew up watching Pete Rose play ball and became inspired to become who they are today? How many of us grew up watching Rose play? I feel fortunate to remember just some of the plays I saw. There is not one person out there that can say he does not belong in the Hall based on his efforts on the field as a player.

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Re: Pete Rose

how many chances did we give all those knuckle-heads (sorry TG), who did drugs or beat their wives? darrel strawberry comes to mind for one. granted we're not talking about the hall of fame with strawberry, but, how many guys are in the hall that did far worse things than Pete. i can't say for sure, but i'll bet there's more than one. can you guarantee they're arent?

i won't deny Pete had a problem, and that betting on baseball was wrong, it was. it seems that Pete just had the wrong problem.

finally, if pete was throwing games, how did he amass all those hits? if pete was throwing games, how did he get that nickname Charlie Hustle? if pete was throwing games, why did he slam the ball down on the pitcher's mound after the 3rd out then sprint to the dugout and play with more intensity than any player in the last 30 years?

why can we forgive other people, but not Pete? confused.gif

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Re: Pete Rose

Pete Rose is a joke. He is only doing this to get more money in his pocket. He is just hypeing up his book. The guy has a serious gambling problem he is still being seen in Vegas on a regular basis. If I lost my job due to gambling I dont think I would be going to Vegas on vacation and then ask to be reinstated. He has no remorse. If they put him in the Hall that's fine just put on his plaque that he was banned for gambling and dont let him be involved in the game anymore. He is the one that signed that ban and he is the one that gambled on his own team. He was a great player for sure but he is not that great of a person. But there are worst people in the hall already. So I say let him in but not in baseball.

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Re: Pete Rose


how many chances did we give all those knuckle-heads (sorry TG), who did drugs or beat their wives? darrel strawberry comes to mind for one. granted we're not talking about the hall of fame with strawberry, but, how many guys are in the hall that did far worse things than Pete. i can't say for sure, but i'll bet there's more than one. can you guarantee they're arent?

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Cant argue with that for sure. But the sad thing is, no where in the MLB rule book does it say you cant cheat on your wife etc.. But it does say you cant gamble.

My problem is, Pete wants to coach. I just dont think you can let him back on a baseball field or you have made an exception to the rule. If they want to put him in the Hall based on what he did as a player before all this happened, I could live with that (even though I'm still split on how I feel about that). I just dont think he deserves to be back on the field...ever.

And tony, your right....this has a lot to do with selling his new book.

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Re: Pete Rose

All I can say is that baseball doesn't ban players that are drug addicts, wife beaters or alcoholics. Gambling seems minor compared to these. Rose ranks at the top in so many batting catagories. Baseball should let him in the Hall, what he accomplished at the plate is what should be noticed. Yes he broke some rules and yes he lied but how many people in the Hall have done a lot worse? The only difference here is he got caught. Just my .02

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Re: Pete Rose


baseball doesn't ban players that are drug addicts, wife beaters or alcoholics.

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These (although not great roll models) aren't mentioned in the rules for the hall of fame!


The only difference here is he got caught.

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And I suppose if the "others" would have gotten got...they wouldn't be there either.

He didn't do baseball any favors by betting on games...he broke the rules, got caught. I say he should be a man and do the time.

Regardless if he gets on the ballot...I don't think they will vote him in.

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Re: Pete Rose

No-I am not saying that the others shouldn't be in the hall. To me it seems like there isn't much concern if there isn't a scandal involved. He bet, everyone now knows, put him on the ballot and if he is voted in then good for him. If he isn't voted in there isn't anything anyone can do.

As of now, players in the Hall are recognized for their baseball accomplishments. However, time after time professional athletes are given multiple chances to clean up there act and some of them never clean up, does anyone really and truely care? Probably a few, but you don't hear so much about it.

Two final thoughts:

I just find it is convienent that his book came out about the same time he admitted guilt.

Although drug addicts, wife beaters and alcoholics are not mentioned in the rules; it does not take Albert Einstein to realize that these people are role models for youths world wide and maybe they should look into changing the rules for being inducted-players need to be looked at both on the field and off the field. Until they change the rules; at least put Pete on the ballot so this will all go away.

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Re: Pete Rose

While sneaking a look at ESPN at work, I was listening to the old Commissioner of Baseball. I can't remember his name, but he said some things that made me think. First of all there may be proof that he did bet on baseball from inside the club house (which he said that he did not do) and two, which everyone has lost sight of including myself is the simple fact that he agreed to the ban and NOBODY has ever been reinstated after being banned.

The reason to this post is being raised the way that I was I have to admit when I may have been wrong.

But I must stick to my guns in [ QUOTE ]

Although drug addicts, wife beaters and alcoholics are not mentioned in the rules; it does not take Albert Einstein to realize that these people are role models for youths world wide and maybe they should look into changing the rules for being inducted-players need to be looked at both on the field and off the field.

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Re: Pete Rose

So, Pete Rose bet on baseball, who gives a crap. I personally didn't believe that he had until he admitted it. The fact is that MLB is setting the wrong example and has been for years. How many players have been tested positive for drug use,many, and they are allowed back time and time again. Pete Rose bet on baseball and he's banned for life, gimme a break. Babe Ruth was an alcoholic and he's in the HoF, Mickey Mantle wasn't a saint and died of his problems of drinking too much, he's in the HoF. Hey Kids, smoke, drink, snort coke or do whatever and you are guaranteed a long career in baseball. If you place a bet on a game, god help you, your life is over. Doesn't make a lot of sense does it.

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Re: Pete Rose

LOts of good points, but buckbuster said the best. Rose has admitted that it would be nice to be in the hall but the main reason he wants to be re-instated is to get back into managing. It is a double edge sword. If BUD has a spine, he will let Pete in the hall for what he accomplished on the field and then tell him he can not manage or be any part of MLB. I too, was a huge Pete fan, and still admire what he did, on the field, but that is my opinion.

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Re: Pete Rose

I just don't get it...we are not talking about role models here!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drinking, drugs, wife beating etc...maybe not good...but not directly breaking any rules to be in the hall of fame.

Betting on baseball is a rule that was broke. Did Pete bet on baseball? End of story...he needs to go away!

Maybe the rules need changed...but until then...they are what they are. smirk.gif

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Re: Pete Rose

The "Baseball Hall of Fame" is a publicity stunt pulled of by the creators of the National Baseball's a wing of the museum..


PETE ROSE is not a role model........

But he's still one of the best baseball players ever.





We all have our problems........

Pete likes to gamble.............

I like to drink............

Micheal Jordan likes to drink and gamble........

Bill Clinton likes to have sex with women he's not married to...............

Let's play golf........we'd have a four-some.

Bill Gates likes to make money.........

Hugh Hefner likes pretty girls..........

George W. loves the USA............

Martha Stewart has a little "inside info"............

wait a minute......... can I get Hugh in my fore-some........

Gambleing on baseball is considered unethical by baseball.....................

drugs are OK

corked bats are OK

wife-beating is OK

spit balls are OK

sharpened spikes are OK


you'll have to ask bud..............

Yes Pete Rose......... is bad

Have good day


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