The Hail Buckee thread reminded me of ....


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Hail Buckee thread reminded me of something that happened to me, many years ago .. LOL:D

Picture this

I'm sitting around playing with my daughter when she was about 2 years old. She decided she wanted to do daddy's hair, so I said sure.

Man, she was good. She went and got all Mom's Barret's and proceeded to pin them in my hair. She took about an hour to do me up good...LOL. :D

She carefully put each one in, and curled my hair up good. :D

Well, when she was done, she said " Don't take them out Dad", so I walked proudly around the house for a few hours, with them in there, just to make my baby happy, telling her what a great job she did.

Well, a few hours went by, and I had to go down town to get something.

I yelled in to Diana, that I'd be back in a few minutes and off I went.

That's right..I forgot all about, all the barret's in my hair.:D I had little pink bows, and little yellow flower Barret's all over the place.

I couldn't figure out why everyone was taking a second glance at me everywhere I went, until I got back in the car, and saw myself in the mirror ...LMBO :D

OH that was great. Diana and I still laugh about that one.

Sorry, no pics...LOL :D:D

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