Need help with scent control

Guest Dallas

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Guest Dallas

Hunting a big buck on my property, but he's smart - always seems to bust me. I have carbon suit and always scent-away everything. Any tips?

ps - he has a bad habit of going nocturnal on me if he knows I'm in the woods at all.

Thanks, new member - Dallas

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Welcome to Realtree! :D Scent control suits are only meant to help you control your scent easier, not make you completely scent-free. As far as I know there's no magical outfit or product on the market that can make you 100% scent-free, if there is please point me in the direction to buy some. ;) So, you still need to be aware of your scent while hunting using these outfits.

Here's a few care and wear tips for carbon based scent control clothing below.

Washing & Storing
- I recommend washing the outfit one time before the first use and then to only ever wash it again when it's really needed (IE. muddy, bloody, etc.). This way you don't wear the outfit out, damage the carbon, or fade your camo. Make sure to follow the washing instructions carefully. I also recommend storing your scent control outfits in scent-free sealed bags or containers in the off-season and when it's not being worn on your hunting trips.

- Carbon based scent control outfits need reactivated to recharge the carbon in them for them to work at absorbing odors. This time frame and how reactivation is achieved varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, so be sure to follow their recommendations in order to keep your outfit functioning. I reactivate my outfits, when possible, every other day when on a hunting trip. I recommend a reactivation before your first hunt of the season, even if you reactivated before storing the outfit away, just incase.

Lures & Cover Scents
- Never spray or apply your lures or a cover scent directly on your scent control outfit. Carbon has a limit to how much odor it can absorb before needing reactivated. It cannot distinguish between your human odor and the odor from a lure or cover scent. It just absorbs all odors it comes in contact with. By spraying your lure or cover scent spray on the outfit you're just using up the carbon that is meant to stop your odor from escaping and defeating the purpose of the outfit.

Besides ensuring your outfits are properly functioning you need to stay aware of your scent while hunting. As said above only go after the big boy on days you can get the wind to play in your favor at your stands. Otherwise you're only educating him that you're around and where your stand is. Pressuring that big boy too much and having him bust you too often is only educating him more and more each time. If he's educated to one of your stands and busts you often in it I recommend moving the stand to another location and letting that area alone so he can calm down and relax again. Other than that all you can really do is hope luck is on your side someday and that he slips up and you get a chance at harvesting the big buck. Good luck! :D

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One thing about this time of year is investigating your land. Right now scout the area and see where this big boy may be bedding and what his escape routes may be.

Find some good stand locations using the wind direction in your favor.

Your still doing o.k, he is busting you but not enough to make him leave the area. He is content for now in staying there as that is his home, so do your scouting now, find his area where he is bedding, basically his safe zone if possible.

Find some good stand spots and be ready this summer to put them up and then staying out till the pre-rut or rut if possible. That way you get him when his mind is on something else!

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Good tips here. If you're comfortable with heights you may want to place your stand 25-30 feet high or more. Then when the wind changes after you're in your stand (as we all know it does from time to time) you minimize his chances of smelling you.

Also walk in to your stand in a direction you don't expect the deer to be walking near. I've had deer smell my scent from my boots (walking in) 3 hours later.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Scentlok or not, never hunt an area when the wind is marginal or wrong.

Wash your towels in scent free detergent. It's a step that some guys that are new to scent control forget. Why take a shower and then just rub down with something that smells like its got perfume on it??

Put some baking soda in your rubber boots after every hunt. Will help absorb the stanky foot smell.:D

Don't go overboard with lures or cover scents. The best scent to attract a big buck is "no" scent.

Good luck and if you listen to any of this advice, make it the first one.

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