Well, think we lost our land to bowhunt...

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This is going to be long, so bear with me.

We haven't OFFICIALLY lost the land. Some of you may remember me posting about all the troubles my cousin and I had on this land last fall. My uncle isn't exactly the most honest person in the world, and thats putting it nice. OK, he is a compulsive LIAR. When I first heard this guy had land he was going to let us hunt, I made sure I met the guy and got the OK from HIM, not my uncle. Well anyways, my uncle lived behind the guy and hunted some land right across the street, well, we find out that he (my uncle) lost their house, so of course, he no longer has the luxury of walking across the road to hunt. Well, apparently, at the same time..the guy who owned the land we hunt "sold the land"...according to..guess who, my uncle :rolleyes::mad:. He (my uncle) hasn't told me directly, but he told my cousin, the one I hunt with out there. I don't know if it is true or not, but I find it hard to believe. The owner is pretty well off, so he doesn't need the money, in fact only about 25 of it is wooded and the other 100 acres or so he leases out to a farmer. and also lives on about 150 acres of farm land. So money wouldn't be the reason. The guy is retired, getting up there in age, but when I met him he said he has had that land for over 30 years. My only guess is that my uncle is to much of a pansy to actually come out and ask if we would step aside so him and his son can hunt it. I'd have no problem with that. If he was just honest. I am tempted to call the land owner and ask him about it, and if he tells me he hasn't sold it, make sure it is alright that we hunt there still. and then when my uncle decides to say "yeah Mr Benson sold the land" I can look at him, shake my head and say " Really, I just talked to him and he said he didn't and gave us permission to keep hunting there" :D:D

Or, I just let my lying P.O.S. aunts husband go ahead and keep telling his lies.

What would you do? let the guy have his way KNOWING there is a 99% chance that he is lying, or go "over his head" so to speak and go straight to the land owner.

I know I'll get the, "its family so don't mess with it" type of comment, but no one really likes the guy :rolleyes:

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I would talk with the land owner, if he still owns it, and work it out with him. As for the lying uncle, I would leave him alone!!!! To bad you live so far away from me or I would suggest that we find a lease that we could both hunt. My son and I hunt on my friends property but its only 7 acres, which is obviously too small.

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I think I am going to at least find out the truth, then make my decision. As for the uncle his lies are more like stories, for instance, a year or so ago his friend won a trip to hunt in africa and was taking him :rolleyes: And a few months before they lost the house, he helped sell a $200,000 or $400,000 trailor, and was getting 10% commission off it.:rolleyes: I could go on and on, you'd be amazed at how many I could come up with. He does it so much he lies, in his lies. He was telling me about a deer he shot, by the end of the story it grew from an 8 pointer to a 10.:rolleyes::confused:

This is hopefully just temporary. My dad wants to buy some land, but he wants to get rid of the 2 car payments he has first. by that time I should have my degree and a decent job so we can go in on it together.

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I don't know the whole situation, but if you want to hunt the land, I'd go ask for permission and see what he says.

If he ended up giving you permission, I don't know what I'd do. I'd probably show my uncle the signed permission slip and let him know I was disappointed in the way he handled it.

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