Anyone messed with the Remington 770 yet?


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Im thinking about picking one up. They can be had cheap but the 710 burned me. I never bought one but am aware of the problems with the 710.

The 770 is the 710 revamped. Its suppose to be a lot better rifle. I havent held one yet but for the money am considering picking one up in .270.

Anyone have any input?

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Dont know Jeramie, I have looked at them and held a few in stores but never shot one. Have heard that the 770 like the 710 is no 700. For no more than the 700 adl's go for at wal mart, think if it were me I would stick with a 700, but that is just my opinion.

Think if I was after something a little cheaper I would look at the savage bolt rifles.

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Actually if youre really wanting cheap but something decent go with the Stevens. They are a savage in a cheaper package.

Thats not what im going for. I was more interested in the 770 and how it performs. Im wanting to build something custom and if the accuracy is close to the 700 I figured it might be a decent platform cheap.

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Why don't you go to a pawn shop and buy a used 700 or the like. I just don't understand the bargain rifle mentality ESPECIALLY when you've already been burned. If you can't afford what you want right now save a little longer or buy used.

I wouldn't buy a Mossy, Stevens or one of those cheap Remmy's if my life depended on it.

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Actually if youre really wanting cheap but something decent go with the Stevens. They are a savage in a cheaper package.

Personally I am not looking for a cheap rifle Jeramie.:p I do look for deals, but will not let the price be a factor to dictate me buying a lesser quality gun if I have my mind set on something. The savage model 10's can be very accurate right out of the box, reason for my suggestion. My wife's .243 model 10 is an absolute tack driver.

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Actually if youre really wanting cheap but something decent go with the Stevens. They are a savage in a cheaper package.

Thats not what im going for. I was more interested in the 770 and how it performs. Im wanting to build something custom and if the accuracy is close to the 700 I figured it might be a decent platform cheap.

The 770 has the same pressed in barrel as the 710. Not a screw in barrel like the venerable 700.

For this reason I would not recommend using either the 710 or 770 as a custom rifle platform.

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