A good day for....(photos)


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Got home from clinical. Decided to take my gun out and get the Red Dot sighted in...man I like this red dot that you just point and shoot:D Let me know what you think of the patterns.

This first photo is at 20 yards when I got the Red Dot centered with some small game 7 1/2 2 3/4" shells:


This second photo is with the 7 1/2, 2 3/4" shells at 30 yards...


This last photo is at 25 yards with some actual turkey shells. Top circle were the Rem Copper Mag #6s and the bottom circle are the Federal Mag Shok #6. I know the top looks a little right, but I thought it was me, because I shot again with the Fed at the bottom and I thought it looked nice and centered. In the 2" circle with the Rem's I had 31 shots in it, with the Feds in the 2" circle I had 23/24 shots in it.


So tell me what do you think? Do you think my shot is a little high...should I turn the Red Dot down a click or two? I wasn't sure if it was high or not, or good....does turkey shot drop at longer distances like a slug or just spread out more?

The Rem to me, if it was centered, looks like it might be a denser pattern.

Analyze my patterns please:D I'll probably clean my barrel tonight..maybe shoot again tomorrow at 30 with the turkey shot and make any adjustments you may recommend.


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