More Walmart Bashing


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I went to wally world yesterday to get a grill cover and what a trip be without a swing throught the sporting goods to peek at the turkey hunting goodies. Well boy was I surprised to see NOT ONE stitch of Realtree in the store. There were a couple hats but all of the camo was the stuff called Fusion. They have always carried Realtree clothing. First they stop selling guns and now there is no more Realtree:mad:. I'm done shopping there for my sporting goods.:mad:

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I buy fishing lures every great once and a while at Wal-Mart. I did buy some RT AP there before hunting season, but don't buy much hunting or fishing supplies there. They just don't carry a good variety. Our local Wal-Mart doesn't carry ANY turkey hunting supplies.:mad:

I usually go to Gander Mountain or Academy to buy my hunting supplies or order on line from Bass Pro/Cabelas. I get almost all of my fishing stuff from a man we call Old Man Grady, he owns a local independent tackle shop.

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our walmart here in Indianola Iowa does sell guns and ammo and they occasionally have Realtree clothes. but the walmart in Creston iowa does sell a bunch of Realtree camo. i usually buy a hat or 2 there. they have a lot of the Fusion camo but i very rarely buy anything hunting related from walmart.

i prefer Lancasters, Buck Hollow Sports or


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depends on which one you go to around here, some sell guns, some don't. As for camo, the yusually sell mossy oak, some realtree, and some other kind at the one down the road, but thats only around the fall and winter. they are turning ours into a "super wal-mart" so they don't have much hunting stuff right now. went to one where my aunt and uncle live, they had guns, camo, Hunters specialties, primos, knight & hale calls, some decoys,camo, ammo...a bunch of stuff.

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Guest Andrea
I talked with a store manager once. He told me it was a store to store basis. I guess that decision is made by the sporting goods manager...

Hmmmm, I'm friends with the sporting goods manager at ours and he is not happy with his employer at all. He says he needs a LOT more hunting stuff but they refuse to ship it to that store. Soooooooo, he refers everyone to Bass Pro.....40 minutes down the road. Also, the only stores that sell salt water fishing stuff are the ones down around the beach. Doesn't make sense.....don't they know that folks from my town fish in the Gulf too and could just as easily buy their gear BEFORE they went fishing????? Stupid......

But look who we're talking about. Same place that puts out turtle necks and parkas in FLORIDA in July!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::rolleyes:

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A lot of it depends on the store manager too. The manager at our local store hunts and reloads. We can get any RCBS equipment, Hogden's powders and all that they (Hodgens) have, Sierra, Nosler and Hornady bullets. I just ordered RCBS dies for my 25-05 and 223 and they are just $29 for the set, and bullets and powder are cheaper than midway with no shipping.

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My only comment about Wal Mart would be they are the evil store. They are an example of why this country is going to fall apart one day. A heavy handed, manipulative management style along with deceptive marketing practices is their mode of action. Corporate leaders making millions, employees making starvation wages and selling cheap stuff at cheap prices. Sometimes you can get name brand items for cheap but the shopping experience lowers the value.

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