Winchester Supremes


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You'll be fine with those loads. Winchester Supremes rock!

The heavy shot, tungsten ect, thats the shot that can ruin your standard choke. It is much more dense and heavier than lead. Thats why it gets better flight patterns.

It is also 2x the price of any shotgun ammo out there.

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the manual said dont shoot steal through the factory turkey choke and that was it. thanks for the input..

I tried regular bird shot size 6 in my gun to test it out. at 30 yards 8 bbs in a 4x6 area. I then tried 3 inch winchester supremes size 4, and I had 41 in the same 4x6 area(inches) I didn't think that there would be that much different.

Something that surprised me was that the bird shot was shooting about 5 inches high at that range and the turkey loads were perfect. Turkey loads were also much much tighter grouping. I am learning as I go.

Will the same winchester supremes but in 3 1/2 pattern the same? I have not tried them yet but am going to.

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yes factory choke.

I used these shells through my Ulti-Mag choke with no problems. They didn't pattern very well, which is why I now use the C-N-C choke.

This is why every shot gun needs to be patterned to find out which choke/load will preform the best! Even two guns of the same make and model can and will shoot differently! Good luck!

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