Leaf river sensor


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How good is the coverage area you guys are getting. Set ours up yesterday and when I tested, was getting me crawling as far out as about 20 feet. It was only the area directly in front of the cam that it was picking me up in though, it would not detect my movement out to the sides. The distance is where it was set at the factory and that is turned all the way up. The stealth cam seemed to pick up considerably more on the sides. Just wondering if this is normal of the leaf river to only pick up pretty much directly in front of the camera?

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Re: Leaf river sensor

William--I was reading the instructions and it does state the passive infrared heat sensor is designed to detect moving infrered heat in a long narrow zone directly in front of the unit. maybe this prevents shots of just the head or butt shots--which I do get a lot of with the stealth cam.

I finally got mine out in the field this weekend--will check it next weekend.


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Re: Leaf river sensor


William--I was reading the instructions and it does state the passive infrared heat sensor is designed to detect moving infrered heat in a long narrow zone directly in front of the unit.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks Todd, that makes sense. I looked through the instructions, but guess I must have missed seeing that.

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