aksheephuntress (Kathleen)


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To clear your messages, just check off the ones you don't want to save, and scroll down to the bottom right hand side of the page, and choose delete, then press the ol' button.

Keep doing that until you've cleaned things up and opened up some space, for more jibber jabber. :D;)

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moose hunt:confused::confused:. if i shave my beard and wear a kilt, can i come???

....Ummmmm...well, you can KEEP your beard, and wear a kilt....:):rolleyes::D:D

....You were actually on the list of hunters we were brainstorming about, over there ....page 6 or 7, I think?:D....we didn't hear a response, yet....but, there's always time to sign up!:D-OJR and Tominator were potentials mentioned, too.......hurry, and you can beat them to it!:)

...one condition, though....

-Have you ever cooked moose nuggets??:D:)

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That's what happens when you get a real bad case of "cabin fever"!! LOL!!!

5 kids and a full mail box! LOL!!


-Ive always wanted to do this...


-:D:)....You have a GREAT day too, OJR!:D:D:D:p;)

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...Hey OJR....you know I was just KIDDING, right??!...about my "frown reply" to you...?!(:mad::mad:):D:D:D:D:D

-Didn't want you to think I was really frowning for real at you-



Do you really think I am going to buy this??:eek::eek::rolleyes:

I will be watching you for more of your prattle! LOL!!:D:D

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