Trackin' turkeys (photos)


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Went out for a 2 hour hike today to check my usual little spot that I'm hoping big boy will be this spring by home. I wanted to find the big set of tracks I found last weekend. they are now at least a week old, but I found them and here's a photo...I'm thinking it's a gobbler:


Didn't find any fresh big tracks like that but found some fresh(this morning for sure), 2-3 different sets together of what are probably hen tracks considering all the poop I found before from the hens. I think there's 3 hens together as that's what I spooked off like 2 weeks ago out of the same field.


I haven't been to the other side of the property, but I'm aiming to get out Sunday morning maybe to listen for birds, either here by home or over on state land. I hope I see some gobblers soon on that areas I'm going to hunt:confused::rolleyes:;)

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