Disappointing morning....


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It was still a beautiful morning...just not one for turkeys:(

Get up a little before 6, throw ,y stuff on, get up to the old gravel pit and sit there, waiting with the rising sun to hear some gobbling. About 30 degrees, so a little chilly, but I've heard them gobble on these chilly but quiet morning. It got light out, not gobbles. Heard a hen cut a little bit from her roost across the field on the edge of the other corn field where the hen tracks and poo has been. I decide a little while later to walk the perimiter of the land, looking in the fields for birds. Well get across to the first field, that hen flies off her roost. Keep walking, see nothing, then a different hen, also by herself, flies off the roost. See and hear no turkeys, find some otherh en poop and tracks, but I found no sign of a gobbler, minus the old tracks I've mentioned before.

Saw 3 beautiful male Woodducks which was nice:cool: Walking home, thought I may have heard a gobble from way deep in the woods, but it was hard to tell because the crows were screeching and won't stop and it was kind of muffled....and sometiems you think you hear something when you don't really.

I'm not sure if that gobbler has moved off with some hens to land across our road or what. I think tonight though, I'm going to head over to camp. See the camp, run by the state DEC is on it's own private property but is bordered all by state land, but alot of people don't know that. And there are logging roads that run through and connect to other roads on the state land, but the one road that goes from camp to the state land they keep the gate closed when camp is not going on to keep people from driving down there. So you have to walk quiet aways in to get to some good hunting ground. I'm sure some people maybe make the walk in, but I don't think it gets hunted very hard around the camp.I have a couple spots in mind I want to check out, and hopefulyl it will pay off. I'm also going to email the guy I know who is head of maintaining the camp, he's the one I promised I'd come hunt turkeys,lol;) He has an idea of where there might be birds.

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Just because you didn't hear or see them doesn't mean that they are not there. Often times they'll be pretty tight mouthed if they've gobbled a lot on previous days. One thing's for sure, if you've got hens, eventually the gobblers will be there as well. Good luck on your scouting trip.

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