Went for a walk yesterday (pics)


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Like Shaun, I too got out yesterday to enjoy the nice weather. So my buddy Chris and I went up to hunting camp to see if there was any winter damage at our hunting camp. It was such a beautiful day we decided to go for a walk and look for sheds.

Here is our hunting camp. Everything was in order.


Went up near my treestand to check out the beaver pond. Not sure if you can see them but there are two canada geese, a mergaser, and a blue heron in the picture.


Then we found the bad news.


We saw this buck on opening day and never saw him again after that. It appears that the deep snow and coyotes did what we couldn't do. We figure he would have been an 11 point. :(


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...Wow!...Nice camping lodge!...Now, that is nice....

-really beautiful, you have it...

-yes, that is a shame to come accross that kill, and have that buck go like that...I'll bet you have many more great ones like that, though!

-Woah!...you have some good trapping country!... -in addition to the beaver sign...have you ever seen any muskrat out there, ever?

-I think I see 2 birds...the geese?about dead center in the picture...and maybe the 2 others at 3:00 from them??

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