No gobbling....?


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or is it just me? Anyone else not hearing anything? I went out Weds. morning on the land I hunt here at home, nothing. Went over to the state land by camp that evening, heard nothing. Went up behind my house last night, sat on top of the old gravel pit....heard nothing. did the gobbers leave? I saw a couple hens Weds. morning...and there are old gobbler tracks in the field, and I saw gobbler poop back in like March...but it sure doesn't seem liek there are any birds around here.......I don't know what to think because it's bumming me out a little.

I'm going to get up tomorrow morning and go over to the state land by my boss' place and see if I hear anything there since I had found several sets of big tracks back when we had snow...

I'm afraid it's gonna be one of those springs where the birds are shut mouthed and invisible....

I live in the hardest place to hunt turkeys I swear.....:(

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Well earlier in the week, a guy hunting the land that i'll be on this weekend heard over 20 birds gobbling. I have to agree with Whiskey on this one. May not be in the mood yet. Last year I had that problem during second season, didn't hear a bird, then 5th season I heard a lot more and ended up killing one.

Good luck to ya Ruth!!!

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The #1 reason they may be quiet is there are hens with them 24-7 now and they dont need to gobble!! They will pick up here shortly. The hens and toms are roosting together now, it is still early and it has only been warm a few days, I have had frost till yesterday every morning. Just keep listening they will start soon!!

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They're gobbling all right!!!

Went out yest. morning and heard 14-15 different gobblers between the two places that I checked out. They were going nuts...:D! Tried a couple other areas this morning and heard several birds...but nothing like yest. Most of the longbeards that I've been seeing are henned up as heck right now which means lots or strutting a limited gobbling especially if the toms/hens are roosting together.

Hang in there...the birds are out there.

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Ruth.. it's not just up by you. I got up early both last Saturday and Sunday to listen for birds. There weren't any birds gobbling at the usual spots, and we had 2 toms sounding off in a spot where they never are.

I'll be out this weekend trying to get my younger brother a bird. I'll be out on Thursday too. Not sure where we're going. Maybe our usual opening day spot in Ulster County, possibly our own land in Sullivan.. Decisions, decisions..

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