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My wife and kids decided to take a ride upstate to visit our property and as we pull up to the driveway, I notice the chain had been cut, the majority of the posted signs are on the ground and there are beer bottles all over. What a total disrespect of property. I am so pee-od. That's what happens when you live two hours away. I went over to the neighbors up the road, but they didn't notice anyone. Makes me want to sell it all.

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Ya we have problems up here like that!!Alot of the rebal "hunters"(notice "") are all peed off that alot of land is being bought up by out of staters and they are posting there fav hunting grounds they hunted all of their lives and the ingnorant rebals will do craplike that instead of make friends with them and trade land secrets and show the stranger the good places!!

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Sorry to hear that.

This is the primary reason my dad decided not to buy land in Southern Illinois. The property was actually a farm he grew up on until he was about 9 years old. However, being remote and 3 hours away there was no way to keep an eye on the place. The property had a farm house which he was sure would eventually be broken into to.

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We used to have permission to hunt on a 900 acre farm (the owner died and the land was sold) a few years back... and all year round there was trouble with people trespassing like crazy. There was a gate at the front of the property with a chain and lock on it which was always getting cut... and one year on the opening day of rifle season, someone had put super glue in the lock. :mad: People without permission had 4 wheeler trails coming in everywhere on that property, running the place to death, poaching deer and everything.

There are many things I can't stand... but trespassers and poachers are ranked pretty high on that list. They are the reason why we have never purchased any property, because there's no way we'd be able to keep an eye on it at all times. Just keep your head up! Don't let it get ya down! They'll get theirs some day.

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Dude...........face reality. :( The average human being is a hog. I live 3 minutes away from my property and there's something new every day. Maybe it's ony a potato chip bag or beer can. But it has been junk toilets, tire, full bags of garbage, bicycles, steel bathtubs, deer carcasses, TV's, steel barrels, VCR's, un-capped hypo needles, cement name it. :mad: pretty brassy bunch, the litter hogs. I'm a silent set of invisible eyes over there more than many of the locas might suspect. I just haven't caught anyone in the act............yet. :cool:

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I can understand completely what you are going through.

We have land in Sullivan county and get to it on weekends almost always. Trespassers, litterers and druggies like to do their thing on and near our land, so we find loads of crap dumped, bottles broken, little plastic bags ect all the time.

I have become active in the community up there and I have many eyes on the place up there now. So I get calls when things are not right.

The best you can do is, keep a strong of a presence as you can, and ask the neighbors to look out as much they can.

Even if you don't have a camera, put up a sign that says

" smile, you are on video"

They might think there is a camera there, but they will never know.

Good Luck Frank.

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