New hunting spot!


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I got a "tour" of a new hunting spot today. It's about 25 minutes away from home in the rolling hills,lol. The guy who runs maintenance year around cat camp told me I could come hunt at his place, so I went over today andh e gave me a tour of his land and where the good spots are! He has a ton of land, wooded and some brushy field. there's a power line running across his one hill so it is nice and open and borders some hardwoods. He said that is probably the hot spot and he's seen turkeys strutting there before.

I'm gonna have to get up early a few mornings and get over there and see if I hear some birds. It's a beautiful area and he said no one hunts it for turkeys really, he doesn't have time either, and he doesn't let many people hunt it either, so I'm one of the blessed, lucky ones;)

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