Worst Bow?

Straight Shooter

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I don't really blame the bow, but the Pro Shop that sold it to me. It was a Martin Lynx XRG and I had just gotten into archery and this guy seen me coming from a mile away. I shoot a 30" draw and he sold me a bow onthe rack that had a 33-35" draw length. I had that bow at Martin Archery 6 out of the 8 weeks I owned that bow. It got so frustrating with that thing, I had to trade it in. I'm glad I did, I might have given up archery, because of that gentleman/bow! grin.gif

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Re: Worst Bow?

I would have to say the Martin Hunter (Recurve) I was shooting for a bit. I finally got to hunt with it. Got out in the woods. Get up in the tree, go to draw on a deer, and the thing snaps like a twig. I punched myself right in the face as the limbs snapped. It had nothing to do with the quality of a Martin Recurve, it had a bit of dry-rot.

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Guest bowhunter56

Re: Worst Bow?


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Guest Buck Magnet 007

Re: Worst Bow?

This is really tough for me...

The "worst" bow I had was probablly my Hoyt MT Sport. Now, this wasn't a bad bow at all, it was awsome at the time. I loved the thing, but, since then, I have had a BowTech MightyMite and now a BowTech Liberty and they are just better bows in my opinion. Heck, if I still had my MT Sport, I would still shoot the dang thing. My favorite thing about it was the "tec" riser was great to hold when you were walking into the woods.

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Re: Worst Bow?

My first bow, and I can't really blame the bow, it was the 'expert' that sold it to me. And like StraightShooter, he saw me coming. He sold me a Browning, can't remember the model, but it was lefty (I'm right handed), the draw length was about 2 inches too long, weight was 35 pounds max.

I knew very little about archery when I bought it and taught myself to shoot from watching Realtree videos. So, I really couldn't figure out why my shots always went a few feet left. It's because I was trying to shoot a lefty bow righty! I actually had that bow for 2 years before I knew anything was wrong, I thought I was doing something wrong! shocked.gif

One plus is that I am at least proficient shooting lefty and righty now.

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Re: Worst Bow?

I don't know if I would have admitted that Racksup. LMBO I have only owned two bows, a High Country Machine Supreme that SS gave me to get started on. It was a dang fine bow. Picked up a Mathew's FeatherMax and have shot it for over four years now and will get another Mathew's when needed. Have not gotten a bumb deal yet, just lucky I guess.


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Re: Worst Bow?


I don't really blame the bow, but the Pro Shop that sold it to me. It was a Martin Lynx XRG and I had just gotten into archery and this guy seen me coming from a mile away. I shoot a 30" draw and he sold me a bow onthe rack that had a 33-35" draw length. I had that bow at Martin Archery 6 out of the 8 weeks I owned that bow. It got so frustrating with that thing, I had to trade it in. I'm glad I did, I might have given up archery, because of that gentleman/bow! grin.gif

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Dude!!...I had that same bow ....back in the early 90's and had all kind of limb problems so it is one of my choices followed by a Golden Eagle that i owned that also liked to brake limbs so they are kinda tied as my personal worst bows.


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