best way to clean my extrema???


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i shot trap league all last summer with my extrema and this duck season my trusty old shotgun wasnt the same girl she used to be. always jammin up when it got cold and rainy even with 3 1/2" shells. what would be the best way to completely clean all the cracks and crevices so she will be back in order for next season? what will get all that powder out? should i soak it in something? please help guys

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Do not get any of this on any of the synthetic parts! Degrease all the metal parts with a Gun Scrubber.

Let the gun dry.

Lube it with Breakfree CLP.

If the gun is very dirty the CLP will clean it. Just wipe it off before it drys and re-lube with CLP.

Should work much better.

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Aah yes, the magic of CLP. That really will help alot. As Leo stated, make sure you take the firearm completely apart. The part that really needs it is the action, make sure that is scrobbed and a light amount of lube added. Your Beretta should be good to go. CLP is a great product...kept my M-4 running hard in the desert!

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