economic stimulus-payments early


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The schedule for the economic stimulus payments going out has been moved up by about a week, so if you are expecting money you may get it before you expected it. Payments start going out as early as next week, link here If you are not sure when you were supposed to be getting a check, the irs has not updated its site, but you can go here,,id=180250,00.html.

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...Yes, this will certainly be a much needed boost...

-and our governor has passed an additional rebate(or, whatever it is..)$500 for each man, woman, and child up here, for sometime in May-that will be a Godsend, for sure!-separate thing from the Permenant Dividend Fund we have in Alaska, which pays out each Oct.

...fuel oil and diesel prices are nuts!

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Hummmm...spent some of mine yesterday on necessities. :D

A new 7' Falcon rod to replace the one I broke bass fishing last weekend, a new ultralight fishing rig along with some light weight line to fill the reel, and another rod for panfishing since it's about that time to start filling the ice chest with them down here.

Just doing my part to stimulate the economy. ;)

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  craig mack said:
Like I said before, I just hope people spend it on American made products. I got a feeling alot of that money is just gonna end up in an Asian country.

What a yard sale? I'm cashing mine and putting it in an envelope in the deep freeze! :p

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  Tominator said:
Should be interesting to see if the stimulus really works. Might help a little, but it's a bandaid on an artery I'm afraid.

Could be. But my money is ALWAYS much more efficiently spent by me than by the government.

If you don't want yours, Chris...................:rolleyes:............................I'll take it. ;):D

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  ultratec1 said:
How in the world do you know if it will be direct deposited?? Did you have to send something in stating that you wanted it direct or do they just do that if you had your tax return that way???:confused:

It's dependent on how you filed your federal return I believe. If you elected direct deposit with your federal return, you're stimulus check will be the same way.

If you had to pay taxes, I think you'll be getting it via snail mail.

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