Made it through the rough stuff....


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Well I'm on my way to surving the last 2 weeks of the school year. Had random skills testing Monday ,where we draw 3 random nursing skills to perform on manikins in front of our skills professor. We had 2 weeks about to do it, if we fail something, have to redo and only get 1/2 the points back. It was hard,lol, but I passed first time around Monday!!! there was only 4 of us signed up...because everyone else pansied out and signed up for later in the week or next week. What I love, and I know it's means,lol, but this one girl, who was always practicing with my last semester, is now buddied with this other girl and being a snot now, and she changed from doing her skills Monday to Friday. (and she usually has to do a redo and is always the freaked out Type A get a perfect grade). I passed, I'm all done, don't have to worry about them until next fall! So take that,lol!:rolleyes::D:D I honestly think some people study too much and are too worried about getting an A rather than settling for a B or whatever, and then it gets them emotionally and they are too uptight. I want to ram into their heads to chill out slightly, it's not a jail sentence when we have skills randoms or tests, duh.

And we had out last clinical today, yippee! That means more turkey hunting for me next week,lol. Hopefully this weekend will work out turkey wise for me though. now I can relax...just a little now that I'm through the hard stuff:cool:

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