How to find drwa length?


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I measure from finger tip to finger tip with my arms stretched out, right? Then do you divide that number by 2.5 or 2.25? And is their anything to add or subtract, like if you come up with 28.5 add 1/2 inch to get your true draw length, or what ever? Thanks

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Go to a pro shop ;)

Never heard of the method you mentioned.

I have heard of taking the arm you will hold the bow with (left arm for right hand shooters) make a fist and extend your arn like you are hold the bow drawn, and get in your shooting stance, put your fist on a wall and have someone measure from the wall to the corner of your mouth. I think thats how it went, something like that anyways :D

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Wingspan divided by 2.5...............This number is not exact so don't set it up at that just because that is the number it says. This calculation will get you within a half inch. Some people prefer it shorter and some prefer longer..........just depends on the person.

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Guest tdm69

I have always just had the person stand like they are holding a bow in front of them with the hand they will hold the bow with and put your fist against a wall and have someone measure back to the corner of your mouth from the wall. I had a pro shooter show me that. Always works perfect.

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i've heard of that, but don't know the details. i've seen charts that use your wingspan to get draw length, but i'm sure that it will get you close and then you should consider your release (if used), your comfortable anchor point, whether or not you're using a string loop, and other stuff as well. other than that i don't have it down to an exact science either. sorry i can't be of more help, but i'm sure many on here can give you some insight.

- Dan

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