Prayers do get answered


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Back the first week of April my son Codie had shoulder surgery. I asked for prayers along with myself that he healed quickly. Well he has been blessed so far with a quick recovery. So much so that a amazed surgeon released Codie back to being active on the track team. One of his teammates was not certain that he had the surgery that Codie had to show him the scar from it.

Praise the Lord....:cool:

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Guest bowhunter56
Back the first week of April my son Codie had shoulder surgery. I asked for prayers along with myself that he healed quickly. Well he has been blessed so far with a quick recovery. So much so that a amazed surgeon released Codie back to being active on the track team. One of his teammates was not certain that he had the surgery that Codie had to show him the scar from it.

Praise the Lord....:cool:

Never doubt..:)

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