Cody turkey Calls?


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Re: Cody turkey Calls?

Bill Zearing and the folks at Cody have been making some great sounding slates and glass calls for a lot of years. You'll pay a bit more for them. But you are basically getting a custom call sound from a (high-end) production call. IMHO........they are worth what you gotta pay for them. wink.gif

Tominator......... Glad you're happy with your call. Now go kill something with it!!!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Cody turkey Calls?


Bill Zearing and the folks at Cody have been making some great sounding slates and glass calls for a lot of years. You'll pay a bit more for them. But you are basically getting a custom call sound from a (high-end) production call. IMHO........they are worth what you gotta pay for them. wink.gif

Tominator......... Glad you're happy with your call. Now go kill something with it!!!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry Don, just can't bring myself to do that yet. Maybe next year. grin.gif

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Re: Cody turkey Calls?

I bought one (slate over glass ) from him way back in the 80's before he went retail. It was a good call but I left it in the truck during hot weather and the glass separated from the glue and I tossed it. Much to my chagrin now. Those old ones are highly collectible. Overall opinion, they are ranked right up with the best.

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