Ohio gobbler puts up a fight


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This morning was the first time I've been able to get out in a week and a half... I hunted this bird for 6 days strait the first week of season but he was always hened up or would go where ever I wasn't. After watching the turkey pattern for the 6 days I figured out where they would typically go after they left the roost. I set up on a hillside overlooking a wheat field. He was gobbling his head off on the roost but once he hit the ground he went quiet. A half hour went by and I had a hen come into my decoy at about 20 yards and she got scared and went the other direction across the field.

Another 10 minutes went by before I saw the fan coming up the fence row to me. he saw the decoy and stopped at about 55 yards away. he gobbled a couple times to my call but then I just sat and didn't call. he'd strut ever so often and as he did would make a step closer to me. this went on for 30 minutes until he got to the spot I ranged at 45 yards... I couldn't take anymore and had to take him. Once I shot, I ran to him and he still had a lot of life in him. I grabbed his legs and neck and he put up a fight. Nothing like wrestling a wild turkey in the middle of field..lol While doing so I somehow pulled out most of his tail feathers but I won. :D

his measurements were:

22.5 pounds

10" beard

1" & 1.25" spurs


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I laughed so hard after seeing the pic, after the great story, coffee shot out my nose......that is so funny.....great bird, since your good at getting them feathers, can you send Andy (bowhunter56) the neck and small chest feathers, he makes great turkey calls and puts those feathers under the clear glass......thanks again for a great, great story.............al

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great bird, since your good at getting them feathers, can you send Andy (bowhunter56) the neck and small chest feathers, he makes great turkey calls and puts those feathers under the clear glass

I was going to if I got one this year but forgot all about it. :o I skinned the bird out during my work lunch hour and threw the rest in the woods... didn't have much time. I'll go out after work and see if there's any worth saving.

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