You cant tell me im the only one?


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I told my fiance that the wedding and honeymoon had to be done and over with by the time bow season rolled around. Now getting married on sept 20th i will be back way before, i KNOW i am not the only one on this forum who planned that way. C'mon fess up!

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sorry. my hunting season starts sept. 1. wedding date is august 23. i'm ready..... our season also ends oct 20, generally. i also told my wife no kids in sept and oct. our first is november 10, our 2nd feb.... how's

...Wow! about clockwork!-I'm immpressed!

-but Steve...we can't have that Alaska moose hunt next year to start on August 20th, that we know your anniversary is on the 23rd!!...we'll have to make it to start on the 25th, or something...??!-right?

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Guest Andrea

Who cares if it's during hunting season? Can you imagine how cool of a honeymoon that would be? Rent a secluded cabin.......hunt all day........snuggle up at night.......sounds romantic to me!

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pffffft we got married on nov 2nd, so i could take her on our honeymoon...yup opening weekend pheasant hunting :D

only now 25 years later she doesnt go, i just have to have a real good present before i leave her on our anniversary, but she doesnt complain......most of the time

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I would love to have a wedding during hunting season. Have everything done in camo and then after the wedding go hunting. Honeymoon hmmmmmmmmm camping by the river, cooking over an open flame (nothing tastes better then food cooked over a fire to me), huddled up close to the fire on the cool nights and looking at the stars. Hunting, he better be quiet and not mess with my hunting or I would shoot him lol. No if he wasnt quiet then I would make him hunt somewhere away from me so not to scare my deer or drive them to me. Yea Buddy!!!!!!!

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I'm getting married October 25th, honeymooning through November 3rd. That's right in the middle of some prime bowing hunting and steelhead fishing. Two of my favorite things to do.

But I'll have two good weeks of early season, and we'll be back for a good portion of the rut.

Somethings I do for myself, other things I do for her.;) If I miss a couple weeks of bow hunting, so be it. I have at least another 35 seasons in me before I take the dirt nap anyway.

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My wife and I got married around prime rut time here, November 20th. I was really not hunting much yet at that time in my life, think her mother may have arranged it that way on purpose.:eek: Think it was actually the opening day of the rifle season here that year, and her step father was not happy about it at all.

My wife hunts now too, and I have killed a few deer on our anniversary.:cool:

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I tried plan our wedding around deer season, but the Reception Halls availability and my financier

(and I mean financier:D) seemed to have won.

Got married Nov.3, 90 (middle of the rut:mad:), 1st son born Nov,91( I was hunting when her water broke with Joe in 91 and got a ticket speeding home to get to her and the hospital.:eek:

2nd son born late Dec,93, 3rd son born mid Aug 96. I took care of those birthdays during deer season after the 1st one during the rut. Or at least I like to think I did.

You know marriage,kids, work and life can really get in the way of hunting sometimes.:D

Plan NOW!!!...

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