I Need Help Weightlifters!


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I want a sculpted look, i mean sculpted, for some odd reason, i dont want to look buff. So is the best way to get sculpted doing lots of reps, with not so much weight?

Should I do lots of sit ups?

Some of you may be wondering where this is coming from, well basically ive gotten away from wanting the tough guy look, now I basically want to be sculpted, but not buff. If this makes sense.

So what is the best way to get toned muscles, not buff ones?

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Re: I Need Help Weightlifters!

i've been there done that. it may be hard for you to do 20 reps of 200lbs. if you can, go for it. but try 150 or whatever you can do 20 reps of. reps are the key thing in weightlifting. not how much you can do. i work out my arms. i can curl 190lbs, but not many times. i usually set it at 135lbs or so and do it until i cant do it anymore. then take a 30 second breack and do it again. then move down on your weight by 15lbs or so, do the same thing. same thing for benchpressing.

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Re: I Need Help Weightlifters!

The absolute key to any goal you have is in your diet. It don't matter how much you lift in weight or reps...you have to eat clean, high protein, low carb. Mix in some good cardio to lower your body fat.

When it comes to lifting, do you basic power lifts (bench, squat, deads) heavy, then mix in your auxillary lifts at a high rep, high intensity rate. Work a split that you are comfortable with. I prefer a five day workout. Cardio a minimum 45 minutes three days a week (and that is 45 minutes at a fat burning rate for your age and weight).

When you think you have hit your peak after about six weeks of a certain routine, shock your muscles with an absolutely freaky, gone crazy, everybody in the gym thiks you are nuts workout.

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