Looks like Alpine is catching on


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Looks like Alpine Archery is really redoing their design.....Meet the New Denali Match Grade Bow...... tongue.gif



* Mass weight: 4.6 pounds

* Axle to Axle: 34 inches

* Brace height 7 inches

* Draw weights: 60, 70 pounds

* Draw lengths: Fast Trac Ball Bearing One Cam: 26” through 30"

in 1/2 inch increments

* Limbs: Bi-Flex composite limb, film dipped finish in Realtree Hardwoods Green HD

* Cable Guard: Straight mounted carbon

* Sight Window: 8.25” single plane window

* Pocket: Inter-Loc Limb Mounting System

* Riser Colors: Realtree Hardwoods Green HD

* Grip: One piece wrap around rose wood

* Let-off: 80% standard, optional 65

Try and keep up Boys..... tongue.gif... grin.gifgrin.gif... LOOKS LIKE WE HAVE A WINNER........

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Re: Looks like Alpine is catching on

Awwww...shucks guy's.... blush.gifblush.gif

I really think Alpine is stridding in the right direction as far as their design goes,,,and is greatly trying to inprove their line of Bows as to what the public (HUNTERS) want to see for performance and quality, I hope they continue to look at what is needed in this area....so far I like what I see....

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Re: Looks like Alpine is catching on

Interesting lower riser design. Not for me though. Looks like to many things can go wrong with that many pieces of hardware. JMO.

Nice looking but not simple enough for my taste...

Of coarse this is coming from a guy who just started to make his own bows out of trees he cuts down himself.

No compound is simple enough... LOL smirk.gifgrin.gif

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