Ken Griffey Jr. Pays his Debt with Pennies


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Professional baseball player, Ken Griffey Jr., was quite the prankster yesterday, May 14th, when he payed off an old debt with pennies.


Ken Griffey Jr. owed fellow Cincinnati Reds teammate Josh Fogg $1500 and decided that the best way to repay him was with pennies. Griffey had been threatening Fogg with the notion of paying him back in pennies but Fogg didn’t think he’d actually do it. So you can just imagine the look on Fogg’s face when he entered the Reds locker room to find his locker stuffed with pennies.

Ken Griffey Jr. purchased 150,000 pennies, that came in 60 $25 packages, from National City Bank and placed them in Fogg’s locker. Griffey had this to say about the prank,

I’m a man of my word. And when you owe a man $1,500, you pay him. And I’d like to thank the lovely people at National City Bank for helping me with this joke. There isn’t a whole lot you can do with pennies. Just think, each box weighs 16 pounds, so the man has 60 bowling balls in his locker, only with no holes to pick them up with.


So what is Fogg going to do with all those pennies? “I’m going to take them out to the bullpen and count them. I’ve got a lot of time on my hands out there,” Fogg said.

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