Wrong Stand

Bow Hunter Derek

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Re: Wrong Stand

I haven't actually seen it before, but I always second guess my stand choice and think that the big one is under the other stand. I have one set up on a creek bank, that I never got a chance to hunt during bow season and went to check everything during gun season and there were deer tracks all around it and even right next to the ladder. Guess I should have been sitting there.

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Re: Wrong Stand

I guess Tominator did it to me this year. He was in one of my stands on an evening hunt, while I went to another woodlot on the same property and used my climber. Again, I didn't see it happen, but I saw the end result, a nice big doe that Tominator had stuck!

This buck was stuck out of one of my stands this year:


Again, I didn't see it happen, but it did!

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Re: Wrong Stand

ok, truth guys, Ohiobucks forced me to sit in that stand, he insisted. what could i do, i'm a good guest. then Woody (the land owner) insisted on gutting that deer (that was expertly stuck, i might add)

any way, the deer above this post was shot out of the same stand i was in 2 days before. never mind that it was Tom's stand. lol, but it was. hey, he was tagged out, what else could he do?

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Re: Wrong Stand

When I hunt my land with my buddies I quite often let them pick the stands they would like to sit in before me that way if I shoot a buck I don't feel guilty and they don't think I put 'em in a bad stand. A few years back I went with a buddy and let him pick the stand. He said that he wanted to sit in one that I frequently hunt out of and I headed to another spot. At 8am I shot a beautiful 6 pointer! grin.gif

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Re: Wrong Stand

This year in West Virginia my brother left 1/2 a day early and he told me I should sit where he had been hunting. I decided to sit where we had seen a buck feeding on a gas line and wouldn't ya know it. I saw a bunch of deer feed their way through the woods right up to where his stand was. Oh well, live and learn.

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Re: Wrong Stand

Three times this year! I was closing in on a 140+ class deer and he was skirting me @60+ yrds. Went to my tree the next morning and decided to move my climber about 75 yrd to be where he was traveling. 7:15 to 7:45 I watched him mill around under the tree I had been hunting.

The next weekend I was sticking to my guns and hunting the tree I always hunted and when it got light I had 7 deer including the big deer over 75 yrds under the other tree.

I decided to go to another "big buck" spot the next morning and we have two stands in the same valley 80-100 yrds apart where a buddy and I hunt. I ALWAYS hunt the front stand. Well he couldn't make it that morning so I had the choice of stands. Well I had learned my lesson and was going to MY stand. There was a couple inches of new snow and no tracks anywhere around my stand so I decided to walk back to the other stand to check things out. Sure enough there was sign everywhere so there I hunted. I was in "meat" mode and any doe was going to get it. Well I watched the first deer (doe) come down the rigde and start feeding under the front stand where I ALWAYS hunt. Then a spike comes in to run her around a bit. Then here he comes. A 160+ main frame 12 with some kickers comes in and runs her around less than 2 yards from the front stand where I ALWAYS hunt. I was seriously bummed and headed home. I have got to stop second guessing my locations!

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