Weekend Plans


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Anyone have any plans with this weekend being Memorail Day? Might be headed to the moutains myself do a little trout fishing:cool: Getting so much rain who knows what the water is going to be like. Other than that I don't have a thing planned have Camp Eco training there Saturday morning missing the last day of turkey season because of this.:mad: It's for a good cause tho. There Sunday I think they might be having a cook out here but I'm going fishing.:D:rolleyes:

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Guest Andrea
Going to see Kenny Chesney on Saturday and having a house party at our place on Sunday. Tuesday morning is going to be a little rough.:D

Oh man, I'd give anything to go see him in concert. You are lucky.:cool:

We are headed to Chattanooga to watch my niece's softball tournament. Should get back late Sunday. Might fish a little Monday. :)

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I am going to be working on my utility trailer, I am going to be doing some welding and building some sides for it so I can use it to hall wood. I usually just use my truck to hall wood but with gas prices I want to use my trailer also so I can hall twice as much each trip. I also will be going to a birthday party for a friend. Sunday morning might be a little rough haha

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then a Texas hold 'em tourney Saturday evening.

Thanks for the invite, DB.

Golf Sunday morning with some friends (not Chris - friends that actually like to golf). :rolleyes:

Thanks for the invite, DB.

R & R Sunday afternoon with the family, much of the same on Monday. :cool:

Wanna come over?


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On Sunday, my wife is going to help our granddaughter make Swedish meatballs for her class project! Later in the day, we are invited to a chili feed.

Monday we will be at the Memorial Day service at the local cemetery. It will be put on by the Legion Post.

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Not a whole lot goin on. Saturday i may head up to a cousins place, they have their little town festival on memorial weekend every year, usually bounce around to a fe wcookouts and then just relax and have a few cold ones. sunday and monday probably won;t do much, maybe have a cook out here. have a ton of homework for accounting class so I need to get that done so i'm not worrying about it later :D

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It's my last weekend of freedom ( ironic eh? )...so my friends are throwing me a bachelor party back home at mom and dads. Not sure what we are gonna do, but I'm sure it will involve some laughs, beers, campfires, lake??? Who knows, I'm looking forward to it though.

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My 3 sons and I will be going up to our house in Sullivan county to turkey hunt, ride off road, fish and maybe a little target shooting. I put a red dot sight on my M4.

We'll BBQ all weekend long. Hopefully my brother will come up with his little boys.

Hope everyone has a safe weekend and lets keep in our minds and prayers the Brave men and women who are defending our very way of life in America.

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