Barbara Boxer...

Norm Sauceman

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This idiot just will not let this Iraq war thing go>> For the past two days, she has been grilling Rice trying to get her to say the Bush administration lied or screwed up... I am amazed she was given a platform to be allowed for this type of idiotic questioning...Rice has said time and time again what the facts were and Boxer just does not listen.. I sure hope Californians see what type of idiot Boxer is and does not elect her for another term.. Her two days of interrogations was a complete waste of time! mad.gif

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Re: Barbara Boxer...

I’m sure the poor pathetic saps in California are real proud. Georgia may have Cynthia McKinney, and that’s not a good thing – but you guys have Barbara Boxer!

Boxer has done what not even Al Gore would have done. The Senator from California, who is somewhere left of Fidel Castro on the political spectrum, won't accept the result and has gone as far as to becoming the only Senator to challenge the certification of the electoral votes.

And now she’s making an idiot of herself accusing Rice of being a liar and whining about how people are still dying in Iraq and it’s all the fault of the right winged ruler of the most powerful country in the world and Rice or course.

The left has no concern over what’s happening in Iraq or any other place in the earth. This is just one more tactic to try and discredit a President and win back the White house and all they’re doing if making fools of themselves and Boxer seems to be leading the group right now.

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Re: Barbara Boxer...

Slug..I would agree with you EXCEPT.....SEVERAL time her and the other dimwit that was grilling her said they would approve her in the, they have no issue then and should shut the hsck up and go on with it..It is just these far out there democrats like her and Kennedy and the "yeller" love to hear themselves talk...bunch of blowhards....

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Re: Barbara Boxer...

Basically, their opposition is symbolic anyway just to voice their disapproval of Ms. Rice, they have issues with how she handled her job as National Security Adviser regarding the war in Iraq. I mean, what was the point of Vietnam, did the mission there change 3 or 4 times within 2 years. We have went from WMD's, to links between Saddam and Al-Qaeda, to deposing Saddam, to fighting terrorism. I saw an interview this morning where Bush himself admitted to no WMD's, that was the main basis for war and I can't believe I am the only one on here pissed off for being lied to. So, lets see, no WMD's, no links to Al-Qaeda, Saddam was bad, I agree the world is better off without him, and there is a differencr between enemies in Afghanistan and Iraq, Afghanistan are members of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, in Iraq they are insurgents who don't want us there and want to hold on to the way of life as they know it. Maybe democracy will work there, maybe it won't, but it won't work until the Iraqis fight for it themselves, and by all indications they haven't and don't want to. So our soldiers are dying for their democracy, which by the way I feel is being rushed and I do think this supposed vote should be postponed until there is more stability, which I don't see happening. We will be in Iraq for many many years. As far as Ms. Rice goes, with the Senate being in Republican hands, Newt Gingrich could be confirmed, and he has been one of George Bush's most vocal critics, and by the way, he is mulling a run in 2008, in case anyone didn't know that.

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Re: Barbara Boxer...



Some people just pride themselves in being Idiots

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Freedom allows for everyone's freedom and rights - that includes the freedom to be an idiot and California is taking full advantage of this freedom.

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How true, and those are part of the freedoms our brave men and women fight to protect. Sad that those who take advantage of those freedoms to be idiots and speak out against our country have such a lack of respect for those fighting for the very freedoms.

A bit off the subject, but I have to comment on sluggos comment about being lied to. I get kind of sick of hearing you call our President a liar. Bush did say that he felt Saddam was a threat. He said he would deal with the threat if he did not comply. Saddam did not comply. WMD's were an issue no doubt, but that was not the only reason for going into Iraq. You interpret the President as saying that was the sole purpose for removing Saddam. I listened to him speak and got different meaning out of it. We all know John Kerry voted for use of force based on the same information the President was acting on. They supposedly had bad information. Maybe it was not such bad information.

I personally still think there was something there we have not found. Kofi Annan imho seemed to be running interference for Saddam giving him time to hide what he had. Funny how Annan now, last I heard at least, is holding up any investigations in regards to the scandals his son is involved in from taking place. Think when it is all over, we might learn that he is/was involved in the same kind of mess his son was. Seems to me he had vested interest in making sure Saddam stayed in power.

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Re: Barbara Boxer...

That dumby just likes to get her name in the news! Wasn't she the idiot who also challenged the Ohio vote count????

It was humorous though to see Ms Rice fire back and tell her she wouldn't sit by and allow to impugn her integrity and imply that she was dishonest. In the end I think John Kerry and Barbara Boxer were the two who voted no to her confirmation. After they said that she was more than qualified for the position.


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Re: Barbara Boxer...

The whole thing demonstrates that the Democrat party still does not realize what happened to them in November. The defeat of John Kerry and the ousting of Tom Daschle should have been a big red flag to the left. Were I a Dem. in a position to make a difference for the party, I'd keep the flaming socialist faction sitting down and shutting up.

What were there.............9?? I think 9 congressional candidates whose constituancy got campaign visits from Bill Clinton. How many of those candidates won their seats?? Ummmmmmm...................... none. smirk.gif

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Re: Barbara Boxer...

This was about money and appealing to her Dem base to get donations, nothing more. She was just elected for 6 more years, by two million votes, and has one of the safest seats in the senate so she is speaking up. :


Tue Jan 25 2005 22:03:11 ET

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) took her opposition to Condoleezza Rice to a new front: She has used it in a fundraising pitch to Democratic donors.

The pitch went out Tuesday evening. On behalf of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Boxer referred to Rice’s “misleading statements leading up to the war in Iraq and beyond,” and implored donors to “put the brakes on four more years of misdirection in Iraq and reckless policies at home” by helping elect more Democrats next year.

ROLL CALL details the money drive: “My Democratic colleagues and I will hold the Bush administration accountable for its decisions,” Boxer wrote. “But we will need your help to hold them accountable in the ultimate public hearing: the next midterm elections in 2006...

“So while I raise my voice on the Senate floor, I hope you will join us on the campaign trail and send the loudest message of all — one that the Republicans will not be able to ignore — unseating them in the midterm elections and sending more Democrats to the Senate.”


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