vanguard 7mm rem. bullet wieght?

Guest farmdog

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Guest farmdog

I have a new vanguard 7mm rem. mag. I would like to know if anyone has work out the most accurate bullet wieght/factory ammo? I would like to narrow it down so i don't have to buy so much amo. Thanks.

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It could take you half a lifetime to find the most accurate load.

Your best bet is to determine what it is you wish to do with the gun (deer, moose, elk, bear,what??) and pick the optimum bullet weight for the job you're fixing to do. Then work within that weight range to find a suitably accurate you can live with.

For most general big game usage you're going to be looking in the 140 - 160 grain range.

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The most accurate load, as Strut10 says, could take you a while to figure out. The twist rate has a lot to do with it, but the bullet design and the powder type and amount are pretty important, also. If accuracy is the only thing involved here, I would start with a match grade boat-tailed hollow point. As for a powder, I have found that the most consistent results are obtained in the big cases when they are just full. This means a slower powder. My .264 Win and .338RUM both do best with slower powders and full cases.

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For target shooting I would recommend trying Sierra Matchkings in 150gr and 168gr weights. These aren't meant for hunting but you should be able to work up loads as accurate as your rifle is capable of with one or both of them.

The 168gr is a better long range bullet if your rifles bore stabilizes it.

Vanguard's are notably good accuracy in general but if your very serious about benchrest shooting you will want to get a match barrel put on the gun. Action tune, glass/pillar bed and trigger job... (to name a few).

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