New Arrows


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I got my new arrows all setup for the upcoming Archery Deer/Fall Turkey season. I'm really loving my new arrow setup this year. :D I figured I'd post up some pictures. :D

Gold Tip XT Hunter Black 3555


NAP QuikSpin ST 3.125" Vanes


Above are some pictures of my new arrows fletched with two fluorescent orange NAP QuikSpin ST 3.125" Vanes and one fluorescent yellow NAP QuikSpin ST 3.125" Vane. I'm still pondering using some Easton Tracer S Nocks possibly, so I left the Gold Tip GT Nock that came with my arrows in them for now. ;)

ABC Buckmaster 100-Grain & ABC Turkey Tearror 100-Grain Broadheads


ABC Buckmaster 100-Grain Broadheads


ABC Turkey Tearror 100-Grain Broadheads


Additionally I was happy with the performance of the broadheads I used last year for deer, so kept them again this year. I'm shooting 100-Grain ABC Buckmaster Broadheads. Additionally, this year I finally found a fixed blade turkey broadhead that will work with my setup. Now, some of my arrows are sporting 100-Grain ABC Turkey Tearror Broadheads. :D

I can't wait for Archery Deer and Fall Turkey seasons to roll around! I'm really itching to stick one of these arrows in something and hear a big THWACK! ;) My setup for archery this year is just about complete. Here's my setup post. [LINK] :D

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