Andrew Fleischman


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Anyone know who I’m talking about? Well let me fill you in.

Andrew Fleischman is an elected representative for the state of Connecticut and Andrew has been reading the U.S. and the Connecticut Constitutions and has decided that the people of Connecticut have a right to know the actual starting time of a movie. That’s right, it’s a “right” of the people. So Andrew has introduced legislation in Connecticut that would require movie theatres to post the exact starting time of the movie so that people can skip the ads and preview trailers. That’s correct folks, we have an elected official who has created a whole new "right." The right to know when a movie starts!

I do wonder if Andrew actually included this piece of legislation as one of the many important platforms on which he was running while he was campaigning to the good folk of Connecticut? Lets hope the people of Connecticut aern't that stupid and were merely blindsided by this fool.

Not that this wasn't bad enough already, Andrew does want this to eventually become a “Federal” Law also!

Just remember Andrew when you’re electing your next official. It’s idiots like this that have created governments that now have become so burdened and expensive.

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Re: Andrew Fleischman

HMM.....and someone asked why i didnt vote democrat this election.........I was talking to my dad to night on this subject, How democrats will never put another president in the white house as long as he lives. They keep allowing people of this intelligence to run for president.

So far Voters with brains have out-numbered those without them. The margine is getting narrow smirk.gif

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Re: Andrew Fleischman


Both parties have members who try to enact worthless legislation and do nothing more than waste the money of the taxpayers. It has nothing to do with Republican or Democrat, it has to do with the type of person elected.

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Ok hold onto your hats cuz for once, Slug and myself agree on something!

This isn't a matter of being a Republican, democrat or's a matter of being an old fashioned idiot! Maybe that's the next party to join the political frey, the INC (Idiot National Commettee).

But the plan simple truth here is that the people of Conneticut have put into office this person to represent themselves....which doesn't say a whole lot about them either.

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Re: Andrew Fleischman

I have an old friend, he has been a family friend for years, he is a former State Representative in Florida, was Speaker of the House his last term in office and was just elected as the Marion County Tax Collector last November, and he is a Republican, I know, I know, I am friends with a Republican, because of him I am involved in politics and because of him I had met many political figures when I was younger. My point is this, not long before he left the state legislature, which was I think in 1996, he tried to pass legislation in Florida which would have instituted a Commissioner of Barbecue, it was to have been a ceremonial post, un-paid, and basically did it for fun and because he owns several BBQ restaurants in the state of Florida, (Sonny's Real Pit BBQ anyone?) That made the news up here and I used to have a newspaper article about it. Everybody was in an uproar over this and that. Was it a waste of time, maybe, was he taking it serious, not really, I think there is a difference in certain things, it seems this guy up there in Connecticut is taking movie times real serious, it is a waste of time, you bet, especially since he wants to amend the state constitution to do so, but some things aren't really as bad as they seem.

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Re: Andrew Fleischman


Ok hold onto your hats cuz for once, Slug and myself agree on something!

This isn't a matter of being a Republican, democrat or's a matter of being an old fashioned idiot! Maybe that's the next party to join the political frey, the INC (Idiot National Commettee).

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Well i just about spit out the sandwich i was eating when i read that. blush.gif Could this be a new trend?? I won't hold my breath waithing for the next time you two agree. grin.gif

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Re: Andrew Fleischman


but some things aren't really as bad as they seem

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Yeah - goofing off is one thing but when you look at the real cost to ammend any constitution then you're way past the goofing off stage.

You're BBQ Commisioner wouldn't have cost the taxpayers any money to fund - but if you're looking at ammending a constitution then just the act is going to cost tens of thousands of dollars.

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