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Picked up another gun the other day...long story short...its NOT what I thought I was bidding on. BTW this was an auction.

Anyways, without pictures...can anyone tell me what they think this is?

Its a .26-06 cal., mauser type bolt (has the flip safety...up is safe and flipped to the left is fire...no middle position). Only thing I see on the barrel is (very lightly stamped) Pasadena firearms co. Inc. 4 digit serial number with some kind of writing (another lang.) on the left side of the action. On top of the reciever under the front base (which was drilled and tapped after bc the hole goes through a picture) is a picture of what appears to be a lion holding a sword with the sun behind him and a crown above the sun.

Black syn. stock with a Bell and Carlson recoil pad (not sure if it was installed or if the stock is a B&C as well?

Has an internal mag with a drop hinge plate which looks like opens via a spring loaded pin.

Don't know how much of this gun is factory...appears to me to be a "bad" custom job of some sort?

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Snapper, I have at least six Swedish Mausers, and none have the lion. There is the crown, over the letter C. According to my Mauser book (Ludwig Olson), there is a variation of the 98 Mauser called the Iranian Model 98/29 produced by CZ, or maybe Brno (Czechoslovakian) The photo in the book shows a lion with 3 feet down facing to the left. The right front paw is holding a curved sword vertically. There is a sun behind his back, and a wreath surrounds the lion, with a crown at the top of the wreath. There were several variations of the weapon produced. On the left side of the receiver is Iranian writing which is in some mid-east script, not the usual letters we can read. The Pasadena business, depending on when the arm was imported, could refer to the importer, or the company that rebarreled it. The Czech stuff in general is pretty safe and well made. If the headspace is ok, the thing should be safe. You can get an idea about headspace by cutting a small square of masking take and putting it over the back of a factory round and closing the bolt on it. If the tape smears, it's pretty tight. If it takes more than one layer, I'd definitely have it checked. Again, this method is not as fool proof as guages, but will give you an idea is to what you have.

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Charlie...thats the picture! Someone drilled and tapped a hole for the front base below the lion...then again, they only drilled and tapped ONE hole...lol.

I agree with pudd...I too seen and held the gun...I think I got ripped too! LMAO! Any kind of value to these guns? I'd post a picture, but haven't figured out with this new computer how to resize a picture so it doesn't take forever to load.

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Snapper, Just guessing on what you have said, I say you have one of the many converted 98's that were put on the market by many firms over the past few decades. If it is a gunsmith job, there should be somewhere on the barrel, (usually on the shank portion and maybe on the under side) his/her initials and maybe a date. The 98, in general is a very good action and has been the general blueprint for many of the guns still made today. I have several rifles built on the 98, and I have no problems with them. I'd stick the rifle in the 2-3 hundred $ range without seeing it. No, I don't want to buy it, as I have have a 6.5-06 on a 98 action that does very well. The only thing that really matters, IS: Does it shoot well? The best looking, tricked out, etc., etc. is not worth a hoot if it won't group. If it will put 5 in at under an inch at 100, it's priceless! uj

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I was looking to sell it...but I don't think I'll get my money back out of it! Guess its off to the smiths for a looking over and then I'll see how it shoots?

Its not as bad as it seems...just isn't what I thought it was or what he said it was. Kinda my fault for not walking up and looking at it when they started the auction for it. I knew I didn't see the gun he said it was...so it kinda caught me off guard. Oh well, win a few, lose a few!

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