1st bear

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Posted this in the big game room but hey, bears are predators too arent they?

After several years of chasing I finally got one. This year I got drawn for a spring bear tag in an area that has good bear activity in the spring and I finally got a little luck. I had found a lot of sign in this particular area and after the 6th hunt she finally showed herself. Last weekend I saw a sow with cubs but nothing else. I had decided to forget it this year with gas prices being so high and frustration of again not getting a bear but at the last minute I figured what the heck I'll go up after work and hunt the last two days of the spring season. There really isn't much to tell about the hunt since I had only been out of the truck for 5-10 minutes. Got to the area at 6:30 in the afternoon and I walked a short ways down an old skid trail. She was walking up out of a draw onto the skid trail. She was only about 30 feet right in front of me! She stopped, looked, and bugged out. At about 50 yards I dumped her. I'll tell you what! Thats exciting when they're that close! Anyways I knew It was a decent bear, not huge but not tiny either. The average for this unit is 5'. This bear measured at 4'11". There was some ground shrinkage but I'm still a happy boy. The bear fell just below the trail and by the time I saw, shot, and dragged it to the trail for gutting only 20 minutes had elapsed It was 6:50. Good black coat and no rubs but lots of tics! Got home and skinned her out and was in bed at midnight. Saturday morning met with the taxidermist and the butcher, now the long wait begins. 7-10 days for sausage, 4 months for the skull, 1 year for the rug. OUCH!


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