proper camera placement for counting deer


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Re: proper camera placement for counting deer

No way you can get an accurate herd count with scouting cameras. Same deer will use the bait over and over, and some you won't be able to distinguish from another deer.

Also, 3500 acres is LOT of land!! Best way to get an accurate count is to contact your state wildlife department and get permits to spotlight to count deer. Do this once a week in August, keep track of the # of does, buck, and fawns. You better get a couple trucks and several guys rounded up to do it though! This is the best way to get an accurate herd count.

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Re: proper camera placement for counting deer

After reading the article in the link Todd posted, sounds like it would be quite an expensive venture to attempt to put out cameras for the entire property. That would be like 35 cams to cover your property. Might be cheaper to rent a chopper.

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Re: proper camera placement for counting deer

Depending on where you are at the density your county has figured may be close, or may be way off. Our county here the density numbers suggest that we have less than 15 deer per sq, which I do not think is at all accurate. Sounds like you and the others on your property are keeping good data, maybe some cameras located at some plots strategically or at mineral stations to get good counts on bucks might give you a better idea, but then you still would have to try and estimate your buck to doe ratio. Pretty sure a bioloigst did some research at the arsenal here where hunting had been halted since Sept 11th of 2001 and in the article it said he used some cameras, tracks, droppings, and sighting data on the property in his research to come up with a number.

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