How many lives can a Ground hog have?

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I can't walk past my sons bedroom window without taking a peek in the woods. Joe has the best view. So I do that and whats in the yard?

A fat goundhog with a cut over its back

(Joe's miss last week:D). I usually call Joe and have him get his bow as I try to film it. I was home alone...I got my bow...Boy was I breathing hard as I slid the screen up. Check for neighbors...Check...I knocked a arrow tipped with a G5 SGH Small game head... conscious of the window has pieces missing from past shots:rolleyes::p

A 15 yard chip shot, out Joe's bedroom window into the garden...No problem...I blew the shot. Shot right in front of it... and it jumped up as the arrow slid under the earth below it. Took off under the fence and was gone.

This is one lucky ground hog. This is my 1st miss this season and Joe has missed 2X.

We usually take at least one a year with the bow in the garden.

Gotta get him...! Either that or no cucumbers this year:D

One more thing... Joe has been using broadheads for his shots and the blades are trash after the shot digging in the dirt. That small Game head from G5 is incredibly durable for the amount of times it was buried in a animal or the earth.

I have to brush up with my Outback..its been a while.

The recurve has had my attention for quite some time and I did not anchor and aim.

I drew and released like I was shooting my recurve:rolleyes:.

I think I'm going to have to choose or the other . It messes my form up too much shooting both.

Anyway...I think I'll trap him if I can't shoot it.

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The groundhog was in the garden this morning and my son put a G5 Striker through it...

It ran into its den leaving a pretty big blood trail for a groundhog. We said a few words...then filled in the den:D

It finally ran out of lives.

Atta boy Joe;)

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...Hey,Joe!...-good job!

-and, Adam-I wish I could have been a "fly on the wall" and watch these scenarios play out with you guys and the groundhogs..

-and it cracked me up, when you told about trying to quietly slide the window screen up- and checking for neighbors before taking the shot!...That was great...:D:D:)

...would be neat if you got it on film...and put some funny music to it...:D

-Also:I would imagine trying to take one with a bow is not that easy!

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Another one down!

Joe called me on the way home from the cabin that he smoked another ground hog:D. One of the seasons young.

The garden is getting safer by the day.

Joe is my Garden Guardian:p.

Kathleen...We live in a suburban setting. Most everyone is on a 80'X160' lot, so the houses are a little close. Our side of the road backs up to a reservoir and we have no one behind us...So out the window arrows fly time to time... at varmints ONLY! I need to make that point. Varmints; Groundhogs, Chipmonks and English Starlings ONLY! Chipmonks and Starlings get the pellet gun but the larger varmints get the bow. Getting the window open and the screen up with a animal in sight is a skill we have developed here :)

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Another one down!

Joe called me on the way home from the cabin that he smoked another ground hog:D. One of the seasons young.

The garden is getting safer by the day.

Joe is my Garden Guardian:p.

Kathleen...We live in a suburban setting. Most everyone is on a 80'X160' lot, so the houses are a little close. Our side of the road backs up to a reservoir and we have no one behind us...So out the window arrows fly time to time... at varmints ONLY! I need to make that point. Varmints; Groundhogs, Chipmonks and English Starlings ONLY! Chipmonks and Starlings get the pellet gun but the larger varmints get the bow. Getting the window open and the screen up with a animal in sight is a skill we have developed here :)

...Oh...I wasn't questioning the fact of why you were using a bow to get these guys...not at all!...I think this is very cool...:)I think it is better, with the bow,...totally agree, instead of using a pellet gun...where we live , now, it's the same way, with the proximity of our house, to neighbors...

-Also...what excellent bow practice!

It just struck me funny, picturing the scenario..and you guys peaking out the windows for the neighbors, to make sure the coast was clear...

-"Watch out, you pesky garden-robbers, you!!"...-and you really could make a cool movie, with music, of all this- I'd love it!

...I've got a twisted mind, you know.....I find humor in most everything...(especially my own life!-LOL-I've got to, or I'd go nuts...)

...Congradulations...another one down!

-I really like those pictures, too, that Joe posted, of the bloody arrows...


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I'll try to get a few pics of the stream and reservoir out back, show you what we enjoy 40 miles from NYC.

See the cart in the background?...That is the "meat wagon" that we use to take deer out of the woods with.

Nice and quiet... for a suburban setting. Stealth.

One neighbor knows we are the ones to go to if you have critter problems and want to save money:D. His wife made him spend over $400 on a animal nuisance company and all they caught was a 5 lb coon and they still had problems.

They came to me, I gave them the coon cuff and stinky coon lure. Showed them how to do it and they got a big fat one with my trap. No more trash pail tipping;).

Now with Joe on a groundhog tear...the garden is getting REAL safe:D

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I can't walk past my sons bedroom window without taking a peek in the woods. Joe has the best view. So I do that and whats in the yard?

A fat goundhog with a cut over its back

(Joe's miss last week:D). I usually call Joe and have him get his bow as I try to film it. I was home alone...I got my bow...Boy was I breathing hard as I slid the screen up. Check for neighbors...Check...I knocked a arrow tipped with a G5 SGH Small game head... conscious of the window has pieces missing from past shots:rolleyes::p

A 15 yard chip shot, out Joe's bedroom window into the garden...No problem...I blew the shot. Shot right in front of it... and it jumped up as the arrow slid under the earth below it. Took off under the fence and was gone.

This is one lucky ground hog. This is my 1st miss this season and Joe has missed 2X.

We usually take at least one a year with the bow in the garden.

Gotta get him...! Either that or no cucumbers this year:D

One more thing... Joe has been using broadheads for his shots and the blades are trash after the shot digging in the dirt. That small Game head from G5 is incredibly durable for the amount of times it was buried in a animal or the earth.

I have to brush up with my Outback..its been a while.

The recurve has had my attention for quite some time and I did not anchor and aim.

I drew and released like I was shooting my recurve:rolleyes:.

I think I'm going to have to choose or the other . It messes my form up too much shooting both.

Anyway...I think I'll trap him if I can't shoot it.

LOL! When we first bought our house, I couldn't make my wife understand why I didn't want a screen on the den window (my man room).

Great story Anthony!:D

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