A Christian Hunter's Devotions and Studies


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Hello fellow hunters.........I want to use this journal as a testimonial and a working study for myself and others. With our faith may we help eachother and others in our day to day lives.......

Feel free to add comments, favorite verses, or ask any questions you may have........and open discussion is encouraged........I think we as hunters and outdoorsmen/women are very spiritual by nature and truely appreciate the strength of God's love and grace.......

Here's the very first verse to start this journal off......

Philippians 2:3

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves."

I like this verse, because it is a "wake up call" for me..........I at times get a little "secure" in the way I hunt, or my job, or my family........pride often leads to a fall, I often must remind myself who blessed my life with these things.........I did not do it on my own, that is for sure....but sometimes I forget....and sometimes the feeling of betterment comes over me, when that feeling should be of being blessed and my thoughts should be concentrated on others.....

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Re: A Christain Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

That's a great starter verse you picked there Clay ..Something for me to meditate on today. wink.gif

Proverbs 11

1 The LORD abhors dishonest scales,

but accurate weights are his delight.

2 When pride comes, then comes disgrace,

but with humility comes wisdom.

3 The integrity of the upright guides them,

but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

This is a cool idea iminrut.Heres afew.

Rom4 message bible

When everthing was hopeless,Abraham believed anyway,deciding to live not on the basis of what he saw he couldn't do but what God said He would do.

Matt 6:33

But seek first the kingdom of god,and his righteousness;and all these things shall be added unto you

col 2:10

I am complete in him


I will never leave you nor forske you


for to be carnally minded is death:but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

These verses mean something to me because I'm learning to be truthful w/ myself and My Father and deal w/the way I see myself and issues in my life.

How many of you watch Kenneth Copeland,Joyce Meyers or Creflo Dollar TBN channel?

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

Great verses guys..........and I want everyone to know that we can do so much more with this topic/journal............

One of things that I keep reflecting on when I'm in my treestand, is all that our good Lord has bestowed upon us..........some wonder how a guy can pass the time, hours upon hours, in a treestand.........as I sit there, I try to take in as much of the things around me and make note of them in my mind, and thank God...especially for those that I take for granted........it keeps me pretty busy, LOL

My hunting outings may seem like a loss when I don't fill that tag, but often the Lord blesses me with some wonderment of the outdoors, that I can't help but feel gifted.......

Like when I saw my first sparring match, when I got to see does battle it out like a boxing match.......watching a little yearling buck jump and bounce around(showing off) only to slip on a patch of ice and Fwap, he landed on his side.....funniest thing I ever saw......

Birds chirping and singning all around me under the canopy of a giant cottonwood during an early fall rain shower..........watched as two mink (guessing a male and female) scurried there way under and past my stand..................feeling the rush only a bowhunter knows, as a 140" 8-point bedded down withing 25-30 yards of me and my treestand for about an hour before last light, only to get back up, look at the does already out in the field, only for him to turn and walk straight away from me...never giving me a clean shot...........

I am truely blessed to be able to enjoy these things, it is impossible not to recognize God's works.......they're infinitely around us wink.gif

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

A verse that really resonated with me was one of the first I read in my new bible. Thanks again, Clay. It is a verse in 1 Peter.

1 Peter 1:3-5

3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an inherritance that can never perish, spoil or fade- kept in heaven for you, 5 who through faith are sheilded by God's power until the coming salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.

That really sticks with me based on where I've been in recent days.

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

I thought this might just be a good place to give you guys my testimony.

My testimony:

I also grew up in a Christian oriented home. My father, however, was and is a very abusive and controlling person. My Mother on the other hand (God rest her soul) was a very gentle, kind, loving Mom.

My Dad physically and mentally, abused my Mom and some of us older kids (I'm one of 6 kids....3 sisters and 2 brothers). With me being the first born son, I suffered his tyranny the worse. He would always hit me in the head when he was displeased with something I was doing, and never had an encouraging word to say, which was a constant thing. If Mom stood up for me, which she did quite often, the abuse would shift from me to her. Mom suffered a lot, at his hand. I'm not sure who got it worse, me or her, but I suspect it was her.

I think the mental abuse I suffered from him was worse than all the physical stuff, because the side effects of it,, I still carry around.

I decided at a young age that if that's what Christianity was all about ... I didn't want anything to do with it.

I left home after a big blow out with Dad at age 14. I stayed away for about 6 months and returned home at his and Moms request only to see things get worse.

Being the 60's, I found the perfect escape for me....DRUGS. I started smoking Mary-Jane and it wasn't long before I was into LSD, Mesq, speed and of course good old alcohol. I just wanted peace in my life and couldn't find any.

I admit, that when I was high..I had a certain amount of peace in my mind, but sooner or later, I had to come down and face the real world where there was no peace.

I got married after making a girl pregnant at age 17 and left high school to become a man ...lol. To make a long story short, my marriage only lasted 6 years, because I was more interested in pleasing my friends (drinking and drugging buddies) than being a good Dad. There were times that I was a good Dad, but I could see that I was turning out to be just like my father and I hated him and myself for it. It gave me the excuse I needed to get drunk or stoned and just worry about having a so called good time.

After my 1st wife and I split up (for the last time) I moved in with a couple of friends of mine (drinking buddies) for 2 years.

One day I ran into an old girlfriend of mine from high school, who, I still had a crush on. She had dumped me in high school, because I was just too serious all the time. She had been married for 7 years and I thought everything was going good for her. I had a coffee with her and chatted about old times, but didn't dare tell her how I felt about her, for fear of another rejection or for fear that maybe she felt the same why and I didn't want to be responsible for breaking up her marriage. (Marriages seemed pretty easy to break up back then and still are)

About 6 months went by and she called me one night, saying that she was afraid of her husband and could she see me. I met her downtown and took her back to my place to talk. She ended up spending the night there (no sex}because of her fear of her husband.

The next morning, a detective knocked on my door and inquired whether she was there. Upon letting him in, we found out that her husband had been looking for her all night with a loaded gun and ended up shooting his own head off early that morning. He, also had a huge drug problem, bigger than mine.

I decided then and their that I was going to take care of her and told her how much I loved her all these years. She kind of shyed away at first, because of everything that had happened. She felt responsible for his death and just wanted to be left alone.

Finally I asked her if she would come to BC with me and get away from all HIS friends and that whole way of life and get a new start on life. It also gave me a chance to start over again.

She accepted my offer and moved to BC. I worked in the bush to support us and things were going pretty good for a while. It was just a matter of time, before I started drinking heavily again and sampling whatever drugs I could find. I could feel myself slipping back into my old ways and dreaded the thought of having another relationship go bad. We also had a little girl after her losing 4 children from miscarrying and tubal pregnancies. (that's another story}.

One day a JW came to the door and invited them in. I was starting to search for something better in my life, but had no idea what. We, {my wife and I) both studied at the table with the JW's for about 6 months. I knew that some of the things they were saying was true, but there were some things that just weren't making any sense to me.

I prayed and asked God to show me the truth. I wanted to know the truth...that's all...nothing more and nothing less. In a world full of different faiths and beliefs, I just wanted to know the truth.

The JW's wanted us to attend their services, but their was something that was stopping me. I felt this prodding to go to an ordinary Christian church, just to get some perspective on what I had been listening to for the last 6 months.

We went to Church one Sunday morning ...sat in silence ...and listened to every word that was said....especially about Jesus, the Son of God.

We went home silent...thinking about what we had heard. Echoing in my mind were the words "You must be born again to inherit the kingdom of God"

The JW's had been talking a whole bunch about this Kingdom, but had never told us how to be part of it, other than changing the way we do things.

I questioned them on some scripture and about being born again and what it meant. They told me that only the 144 thousand, who had already been chosen JW's, would be involved in handling the governing in the new Kingdom of God.

I asked them who these people would be governing and they said US. I then asked them what a kingdom is made up of. They said rulers.

Nothing was making sense to me ....a kingdom in my mind was made up of people, lots and lots of people....some governing and a whole bunch more who are just regular people like me.

The next time they came to visit, I of course had been reading my bible and going beyond what they had told me to read and their little explanations for certain scripture. I had realized that their whole faith was based on little (and big) misinterpretations of scripture and what was being said.

I had read the part about knowing who was of Christ and who was not and how to tell.

I sprung the big question ....do you believe that when Jesus rose from the dead, he was in the flesh.

OH, NO they said, he was just a ghost or a spirit.

I asked them ...If he was just a spirit then how could people touch him, feel his wounds and how could he eat with his followers if he was a spirit.

They got mad at my questioning and tried really hard to prove their point but failed.

After they left that day, it hit me and my wife at the same time. The truth, I had been seeking, had come out of my own mouth, while sitting there talking with these JW's and it was like it wasn't even me talking, but someone a whole lot more knowledgeable than me.

My heart had been convinced ...I had to be born again.

I called the pastor over from that church we went to and we told him what we had been going through.

I confessed to him, that I believed, I was that sinner that Jesus had died for on the cross and that I believed that he rose from the dead, in the flesh, to walk among his followers in order to give us the assurance of out own resurrection on that glorious day.

We (my wife and I) bowed our heads, there at the Kitchen table, with the pastor there with us, confessed our sins and asked Jesus to come into our hearts and lives.

He did !!!

At that very moment, we knew we had been changed. Something happened inside of me ..the load that had been on my life all these years had been lifted from me and I felt like I was on a natural high. Not some cloudy drug induced high, but a clear thinking mind sort of high, and a feeling of closure, being hugged by someone I couldn't see, peace ...all kinds of wonderful feelings flooded over both of us. It's hard to describe the feelings that went through us that day.

March 06, 1985 ... I was born again

The Lord has dealt with many things in my life since that day and is still dealing with many things in my life.

But, there is one thing I know ....Jesus loves me and took it upon himself to take on the punishment for my sins and to die in my place, so that I could be saved, by grace.

Grace, Grace, Grace ....what a wonderful word, what a wonderful Saviour

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

Thank you, Buckee, for opening up yourself and sharing your pain, tribulations and ultimate joy. I know it takes alot of courage to share your inner most feelings and I have a whole new respect for you. I already respected you, but it has now increased ten-fold.

God Bless

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

AMEN, Buckee!! WOW! What a testimony, I never had to go through aything like that at all. I grew up in a Christian home, and never really thought too much about it. We didnt swear drink or smoke and never could understand why anyone would want to. My Grandparents also were Christians, and to this day my Grandmother, my fathers mom, really impressed me with her faith. Whenever we'd go visit them she would go whip up a quick "lunch". I tell you, were talkin fryed chicken, real mashed potatoes,gravy....all from scratch. Then before we'd eat, she'd say grace....WOW!!! You knew she was talking to the lord!!! Her voice would be so reverent, and would lower a couple octives....really a Godly woman! Well anyway, I accepted Christ at a young age, and never looked back! You know, the older I get the more it means to me! You wake up in the morning with a sense of gratefullness to be alive! I always tell people that when Im in my treestand, Im just a "little " bit closer to God!! grin.gif You know, I've had four close to death experiences to date, any one of them should have done me in, but I believe the Lord has me here for some purpose yet to be completed. One of the experiences, I was helping my neighbor harvest corn. I got the tractor stuck while chopping a load, and he came over to pull me out with the big Versatile. I hooked the chain onto both tractors, except I forgot to put a clip in the clevis of the tractor to pull me out. He started to pull and "POW"!!!! my window shatterd!! he came running back, opened the door and was white as a gost!!! Seems the clevis spread open and came flying back right into the cab and missed my head by inches!! I didnt even notice that it had till he pointed to the tear in the insulation above my head! Seems it hit the crosspiece of the front cab window and riccochet up and hit the ceiling. I looked at him and laughed, and said, I guess the Lord dont want me home today!!! keep this tread going, I just may live to read it all!! grin.gif

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

What a testimony..God works in mysterious ways---Even the JW played a vital role in you finding your way to Christ. You do have to appreciate the hard work and witnessing the JW do.

Your testimony brought both chills and tears to me. Thanks for sharing and if just one lost person happens to read your testimony and find Christ it will be worth the finger cramps of typing that long testimony grin.gif

God Bless you and your family


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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

WOW!!! I guess I'll start with me in this post....just so ya'll know wink.gif

I don't remember a time when we DIDN'T go to church. Both my parents are Christians and I was raised in a Christian home. Prayed and ate at every meal as a family, and still do. Naturally, I became a Christian at a young age. I have fallen, and still fall, but, for the most part, have lived a Christian life. Not a long dramatic testimony, but I'm glad I was saved at a young age because I really don't want to go what some of you have gone through. Sometimes I wonder why God picked me to have Christian parents?? I am really lucky, or I should say blessed, by the GRACE of God. I look at all these people and think, it is so simple, why would you want anything else?? I really can't complain about my life, but still I do. I mean, my parents are still together, we are all Christians, it just seems so awesome, then there are others. It just makes me wonder why He picked me. I would not have it any other way though.

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

John 15:1-4

I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch that bears no fruit, while every branch that bears fruit, he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

And a verse that helps me deal with the people I work with. Most are druggies and heavy drinkers and adulterers. I need strength to maintain my moral beliefs around them. They are also my friends; maybe I can help them with God's help.

1 Peter 2:11-12

Dear Friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires which war against your soul. Live such good lives among pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good eads and glorify God on the day he visits us

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

This is a verse that I really liked the first time I read it.

Genesis 27:3

Now then, get your weapons--your quiver and your bow--and go out to the open country to hunt some wild game for me.

Hunting and fishing are my favorite things to do in life. I just really like this verse because of that.

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies


John 15:1-4

I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch that bears no fruit, while every branch that bears fruit, he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

And a verse that helps me deal with the people I work with. Most are druggies and heavy drinkers and adulterers. I need strength to maintain my moral beliefs around them. They are also my friends; maybe I can help them with God's help.

1 Peter 2:11-12

Dear Friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires which war against your soul. Live such good lives among pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good eads and glorify God on the day he visits us

[/ QUOTE ]

Steven....I think you're "getting it" my soulful friend........we are living testaments to God and his good works.........we will be ridiculed, prosecuted, denied and shunned by others....but God's grace through us will be undeniable, unmistakeable............we must remain strong and steady in others eyes...............hopefully they will come to know Jesus from witnessing God working through us wink.gif

Great job so far guys, you are all living tributes to God's grace and love. I'm still a work in progress.....I didn't have a verse that jumped out at me, but a message that did........

Convictions..........what is your understanding of it ?? Here is my take on it.........a conviction is something that you may not necessarily know that is wrong, but God worling through you telling you that it is wrong......your conscience(spelling) so to speak.......example: Before I was saved, I used to get a 6-pak for the road home after a hard days work, it would last me a couple days....I liked that couple beers to unwind and "think" on the hour drive home.......................When I first became saved(or as some would put it, aware).....I would still stop for that occasional 6er, but now something was different......something was telling me that I shouldn't stop.....guilt and dread would flood my thoughts.........and those times that I followed through and denied that message from God, I felt even more horrible and things wouldn't go right in my daily life following that...........

That is just one example of many.......God was trying to prune that dead branch, but it was up to me to make the decision.......I've had many convictions, and day by day....month by month....I pay more attention and heed God's gentle hand.....the grace and love to offer the help to rid me of all of those dead branches that suck the much needed life out of the fruit-producing ones.................I hope that this all makes sense ??!!

If you feel guilt or the resistance to do something that you may know is wrong....listen to that message.....it is a conviction....a dead branch that God wants to prune from your tree of life........the more of those dead branches that you get rid of, the more those fruit-bearing branches will produce....the more God will work through you and in your life......it's an exciting thing;)

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

Psalm 37:5

Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass. (We had to learn that one in an English textbook at school)

Thanks for your life-story Buckee, you've been through alot and came out on top. I think I used to be a christian, but when I got a bit older, I started analyzing things, and really got mad.gif at alot of the people in this community trying to control every aspect of my life. You can't wear these clothes, they're too "worldly" you can't watch TV, it has some bad stuff on it, like worldly sports. If you ever get a girlfriend before you're 18 you're a hormone driven, girl chasing idiot. Can't listen to the radio, it has rock music on it. Stuff like that made me mad, and still makes me mad. Sorta like Buckee in his younger years.......if this is what Christianity is, and you have to do all that crap, I'm NOT INTERESTED!!!!!!!!!!! I pretty much concluded that as soon as I'm 18, I'm gonna move away from this community and never look back. I grew up and live in a home with christian parents, go to church every Sunday and Wednesday, etc. etc. I'm a rebel, and I don't care. But at the same time, I don't wanna go to ****** either. I've just about sent myself there a few times, but the thought of winning the world archery championships, and the flames kept me from it. I don't talk to my parents about ANYTHING, because if I do, then they'll go off on some talk about God and becoming a christian and all that. Then at school we HAVE to take 4 years of bible class every morning to graduate, and the principal and school board are constantly pushing their so-called "christian" beliefs on us, and if we say something against a certain thing in a written report or oral report, we get to sit down and chat in the office for a while. Right now I'm just sick of everyone telling me what to do. It helped a li'l bit after talking to Mike Crowe on Archerychat one night (AKA mecrowe) we were talking about the subject (PM's) and he said that it doesn't matter what the people around you think or say, but it's what YOU believe that matters. So that encouraged me somewhat. Sorry for dragging this thread into a bottomless pit, but I had to get another hunk of it off my chest. Thanks for listening, and please pray for me. Thanks-Grant-KS

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

Thanks Tony. I was pretty sure that I wasn't the only one that thought this way. This board and the folks here have shown me that you can be very good, strong, and devout Christians, even much stronger than many of the people in this area who abstain from things like TV and rock music that'll send you to the fiery pit. I think it's ridiculous! confused.gif

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

Wow guys I didn't expect to see a post like this in here. Very awesome we can share verses with each other and our situations.

I guess the verse that has really helped me out lately with all the Columbus shootings near here and around my job is Psalms 23:4 "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for You are with me; Your rod and staff they comfort me." It's just comforting to know God is with me and that I don't have to fear.

Grant- I've been in your situation before. I think some people in the church seem to think anything you do is bad. My grandparents on my dad side is like that, they're Christians and they'll hear what I listen to and question me if it's right to listen to it, and the funny thing is it's actually Christian hard rock music lol. My mom's a Christian as well, but she doesn't judge me on what I wear or what I listen to. She's cool with it. It's the same thing with God, He doesn't care what you look like, or what music you listen to, He cares for and about you. God doesn't look out on outer appearance, He looks at the heart. 1st Samuel 16:7

Alright guys just thought I'd add that.

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

Man jaret beat me to it lol 1 SAM.Yes Jesus isn't looking at the outward apperence of things but what is in our hearts towards Him,ourself and others.Jesus called the Religous people of his day which were the priest, snakes and vipers,for they put on a show before people by works or what they did outwardly keeping a bunch of rules but in there hearts it was like a whitewashed tomb.They didn't keep God's word in there heart and Love God.

I'm not putting nobody down,I'm saying Grant you have the right to feel the way you do,Jesus is not that way towards you,He loves you no matter what and wants a relationship with you more then any thing.Religion is man's attempt at reaching a holy God,which can never happen. EPH2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith;and that not of yourselves:it is the gift of God.

And if you have ROM10:9-10 Beleived in your heart and confessed with your mouth that Jesus died and rose again for you and your sins,asked Him to come into your heart,then you are saved and going to heaven.And no matter what sin you may ever do in this life that truth will never change that your saved now.Now that don't give us permission to do what we want,for we are to love God with all our heart.But if we love Him and think about Him,he will let us know what is and isn't o.k. with him,not a bunch of rules people come up with.

Heb8:10-12 He is saying this to us.

And that is what God the Father wants is a relationship with you,that you both will know each other.So take couarge Grant the Lord is with you,seek Him,honor you parents and most of all PRAY,pour your heart out to God,let Him know what goes on inside of you and ask that He would help and get involed and help your parents.I'll pray for all of you.I get a little windy sometimes shocked.gif.

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

God tells us to do everything for HIS GLORY. That means those Christian rock groups too. (I believe) Would your parents rather you listen to rock with profanity etc. or rock that PRAISES God?? Seems like an easy answer to me.

Clothes....I don't think Christian girls should wear clothes that expose a lot of skin, but I don't see a problem unless it is really skimpy. I don't think we should wear shirts with profanity on them either. People are always "judging" Christians, and they will always remember when you mess up.

I know guys that say they're Christians, but still cuss....not a good witness in my opinion. You are talking like everyone else in the world and not leading and setting an example.

I can definatly see why you would not want to live a Christian life because of all the force being put on you. They just care about you. I do think they are going about it the wrong way though....it has to be YOUR choice, not anyone elses'.

Maybe you should talk to your parents and tell them how you feel about being "forced" into it and maybe request to be moved to public schools confused.gif

You will never be a worker for Christ if you don't want to. I just hope you get things figured out soon. I will pray for you bro....keep an open mind, don't give up on Christianity yet, it really is the only way to go. wink.gif

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

Thanks Ryan (I think that's your name) I listen pretty much to only Christian Rock. RSJ, MWS, Goeff Moore& the former distance, etc. etc. No, I don't wear clothes with profanity on them, nor would I if I had the chance. It just looks stupid. As for girls clothing............I really don't care what they wear. Skin isn't what I'm looking for. Yeah, I cuss, but I know I shouldn't. I never do around maw-n-paw, but......As for talking to my parents...........uh.........no. I don't talk to my parents about anything..........I know what they'll say, and I'm not interested in what they have to say. I'd like to go to the public school that I go to for Science class next year.......I hope I can. I just cannot STAND going to this school and putting up with their one way no substitutes standards and opinions and using God and christianity to justify them. I'm just sick of it! Realtree is the only place I really open up on.......My cousins can try to help me and talk it over, but I won't cooperate.......I just can't open up in front of people AT ALL! It hurts too much and I'm too bitter about everything. Thanks guys, all this really means alot to me.

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

How true guys ...We are saved by Grace, unto better works. Works alone don't save us, it is the blood of Christ that washes us clean. If we hide that light that has been granted to us through faith and hide our light under a bushel, just so we can kind of blend in, others will not be able to see the light in us.

You find out in life, the older you get, that God's rules are there to protect us from harm and to help us not to harm others.

Christan school rules are just that...rules

Heck when I went to high-school, we weren't aloud to wear blue-jeans (if you can believe that grin.gif) and that was a regular high-school, not a separate school.

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

I'm sorry if I gave the impression that are actions don't matter,I agree that they totally do.We are to live holy lives,and if we respect God then there certain things we put up boundries around for ourselves,to protect us PRO4:20-27esp.vs.23and show forth Jesus.

We have to gaurd what goes in our hearts,beacause as a man thinketh in his heart so is he.PRO23:7.

That is what I was trying to say is we act the way we do cause of whats in abundance in our hearts.We have to live holy inside and out,but if we live holy inside,in our thoughts then we will live holy outside.

Jesus said if we look on a woman and lust in our hearts after her,we have already sinned,just in our thoughts.Living by faith is thinking,speaking and acting like God,s Word is true.We have to put all them together.

So there are certain things I will not think,say or do because I love My Father and want to bless Him.

This is something I have struggled with,and I'm learning about now that whats in my heart controls how I live,and what I do tells me how much I value my heart.(Pastor said Sat. grin.gif)

I do apoligize for sending the message that our actions don't matter,I wasn,t trying to say that,so Thank You for the correction.I'm learning to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and that includes what I do,that Jesus may be exalted in my life.

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

iabow, I understood what you were trying to say. It's not easy sometimes to explain how works fit into a Christains life, even though it is Grace that saves us.

Matthew 26:41

Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Paul explains our walk with Christ ,in Grace very well in 1st and 2nd Corinthians.

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