A Christian Hunter's Devotions and Studies


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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

Welcome aboard the RT Forums David. Sounds like you're already onboard the God Squad. Nice to meet another brother.

Welcome back Josh. I love the idea of accountability partners. I use to be in a small group of men (4-5) and we would meet to prayer, chat, and hold each other accountable. It's an important part of our growing in the Lord. Iron sharpening iron! Those committing to something like this, should understand that it is a committment...a committment to prayer, trust, and honesty. Things shared between brothers should remain between them and God. In addition, the brothers must establish close relationships with one another in order to understand where the stand, what their struggles are, and how they can help each other. Okay...I'm stopping...I'm sure you all know these things already.

Anyway, I'm definitely onboard! Hold me accountable brothers!!!

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

Really good forum folks ! I was watching Realtree Outdoors on ESPN this morning and was Blessed to see David Blandon Thanking Jesus for a wonderful hunt. I felt like visiting the forum and it's great to read several of the posts here. Lots of solid ground here. I reconize a few of the names from the old Bushnell board and I'm glad to see an active Christian Forum. Several years ago I was asking God to make His Word become alive to me and shortly afterwards I read Job 12:7-10 and The Holy Spirit immediately spoke to my heart that these were my life's verses, and that'd I'd spend the rest of my life learning the depths of those precious words. God continues to use everything I've ever learned in the outdoors to better understand Him and His amazing grace. May God Bless each of you today!- Phil

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

Im back again. I feel i must tell this. The last few days the Lord has been working on me in different ways. Some good and some bad to me but for the right cause. Ive been getting to know a girl again and she is great she is nice and goes to church all the time. Since i started talking to her it seems like she is one way the Lord is trying to get threw to me. And with the problems ive been having with my girlfriend and her and others helping me threw that its been nice.

Today at church i was like just busting wanting to talk to everyone and just hang out. I think i auctally(sp?) sang today also. I just feel really greatful right now. I just had to share.

Take care!

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

Well, I thought I'd join ya! You know, there are some times when I wonder if I'm truly a Christian. I get really busy and preoccupied and seem to push God and Jesus to the furthest corner of my mind. But then when somebody says something that contradicts God and His Word, I get arroused and will literally start quoting Bible verses and telling them about Jesus and how He died to save me from God's wrath. But then I go back to the way I was. I am so confused. I guess all I want is some peace of mind and assurance that I truly am a child of God. Do you guys ever feel the same way?

Dakota smile.gif

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Guest rev214

Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

quite simply, YES!

Greg Laurie was just discussing this today on his "A New Beginning" radio show (7/31)...


What's the best way to keep the devil from filling your mind with improper thoughts? Pastor Greg Laurie says fill it first with the things of God!

[/ QUOTE ]

read Philippians 4...

when confusion and other "garbage" start to enter your mind, its time to run to the word of God.....fill your mind with Bible reading, with prayer, with the things of God..."the best defense is a good offense"...

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies


quite simply, YES!

Greg Laurie was just discussing this today on his "A New Beginning" radio show (7/31)...


What's the best way to keep the devil from filling your mind with improper thoughts? Pastor Greg Laurie says fill it first with the things of God!

[/ QUOTE ]

read Philippians 4...

when confusion and other "garbage" start to enter your mind, its time to run to the word of God.....fill your mind with Bible reading, with prayer, with the things of God..."the best defense is a good offense"...

[/ QUOTE ]

Amen! It happens to everyone. We just had a visiting preacher say the same thing. Keep filling yourself with the Word!!! laugh.gif

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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

Yes, it happens to all of us at one time or other, and more than we'd like it to.

Good advise guys.

"Faith comes from hearing, and hearing from the word of God"


"They word, have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee."

Even though we mess up sometimes, and turn our back on him, He will always be there for us once we turn around to face him again. wink.gif

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Guest huntinsanobsession

Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

thanks iminrut for starting this great post

When I was growing up my parents wern't christian no one in my family was and both of my parents where alcholics my Mom always said there was God heaven and **** that was all i knew well about the time i was in second into third grade my parents got a divorce I didn't understand then and i went threw the its my fault my parents got a divorce around the same time there were kids at school who found out my parents got a divorce and would make fun of me for it (i still have no idea why) but this made me mad and i got into lots of fights about it my mom got a new boyfriend who moved in with us and i didn't mind him but it made me mad that my mom moved on that quick. Then my dad got a new girlfriend i didn't like her or her kids. when i was in the forth grade one of my Moms friends ended up sleeping at out house. He was drunk that night and fell asleep on the couch. he never woke up. my Mom got home at about two in the morning. i didn't think this then but no i thank God everyday cause the Fire department arrived at the same time she was going for the door to try and save her friend (his cigerette started a fire. Im not sure how firmiliar everyone is with fires but if she had of opened the door the fire would have sucked in a bunch of oxygen and caused a back draft which would have they say blown her atleast a hundred yards do to the heat of the fire) Me and my two Brothers were at our dads which was another thing i thank God for. after that happened I got depressed and gained wait and i hated the world for what had happend my grades sliped and i hated school my mom's drinking got worse and my Dad stoped drinking all together on acount he had a new g/f who didn't like it. He also quite smoking. over the next few years I got in many fights with my parents my dad was always yelling at me my life was horrible it went on like this. I was doing bad in school i always fought with my dad and my mom was loosing our house cause she blew so much money on junk and lots on booze that she hadn't paid the morgage. my life was crap and at this point in time i started to contimplate commiting suicide i thought it was easier then what i had gone threw. then my Sophmore year in high school i met a girl. We had been in chorus together she asked me to go to Prom with her. I said yes. after that we started hanging out and it turned into dating this was in April she asked me to go to church with her and looking back i should have taken this opertunity to go to church with her but at this time i didn't want to except God as I had gone threw alot and it was easy to blame it on him. So a month or so later she asked me to go to Family Camp with her and her family. I thought it was going to be a family camoing trip that they took everyyear well it turns out that this momorial day weekend was going to be the begging of my walk with God. Family Camp was a camp at a baptist camp that she had been going to since she was little it was a camp for Christians to meet new people and spend the weekend together doing activities and hanging out with eachother. every mourning and night we would sit around the fire go over scripture and sing hymns the first night i didn't want to be apart of it but i did it to be polite. The Person who read scripture read from John but i didn't really pay much attention then when they started doing hymns and at this time i can't remember the hymn but something clicked inside me. and the rest of the weekend I couldn't wait For us to get together around the Fire to read Scripture and sing hymns. we left that monday mourning to go home and when my girlfriend droped me off at home I asked her if i could go to Church with her Next Sunday she knew how i had felt about God and Religion she was shocked so next sunday we went to her uncles church and that night i opened up my heart to God. It was a weird feeling after I talked to God laying in bed that night i felt like there was this huge wait taken off my heart I felt good about my self again. It wasn't long after that that I moved out of my house to Live with my girlfriend and her family they went out and bought a footon for me to sleep on in the computer room. They fed me and helped me i am so thankfull for what they did for me. 3 years later i still keep contact and visit my parents we know have a beter relationship and my girlfriend of the time who helped steer me towards God is now my Fiance and we are going to be married in september and i thank God for everyday i live and get to spend with people who care about me and i care about.

sorry that that was so long bat after reading this post i had to tell this in hopes that it could possibly help someone else fing love for the Lord and to open there hearts to him

besides God who knows all of this this is the First time i have said this to anyone but my fiance

may God be with all of you

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Guest magnatechunter

Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

well to start off, i've haven't been on here in quite some time. so hello all. jon that is an awesome testimony.,and congrats about your upcoming wedding.may god richly bless you and your fiance.i have been busy with work on this old house and trying to keep my head above financial water. i started a study on the Holy Spirit and it has really opened my eyes to the third person of the trinity, trully amazing stuff. was watching richard roberts last night and he was talking about when the prophet elijah was running from jezabel and hiding in a cave. God asked elijah where he was. r.r. said God asks all of us the same thing at time in our life.so where are you? are you doing what god would have you to do.for myself i would have to say yes at times and no at others. i'm trying to let God have more of a role in ruling what i say and do. good night and God bless

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

I saw this post in the lounge:

It was raining last night as I got my son a glass of water, here’s the conversation that took place. Conversation with a 4 year old:



“where does the rain come from?


“where do the clouds come from?”

“water vapor”

“where does the water vapor come from?”


“what’s evaporation?”

“That’s when water turns to vapor and rises to make clouds”

“hmmmm, does it come from the earth?”


“and the moon?”


“what’s the moon made of?”


“where did the moon come from?”

“interplanetary dust and gravity”

“and the sun?”


“where did the sun come from?”

“interplanetary gas and gravity?”

“where do rocks come from?”

**at this point, it’s getting a little exasperating**

“I don’t know”

“you know all that other stuff, and you don’t know where rocks come from?”



After reading it, my first thought was "What a great opportunity for a lesson in faith." The simplest and most truthful answer to "where did the sun, moon, rocks, etc... come from", is God.


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Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies


well to start off, i've haven't been on here in quite some time. so hello all. jon that is an awesome testimony.,and congrats about your upcoming wedding.may god richly bless you and your fiance.i have been busy with work on this old house and trying to keep my head above financial water. i started a study on the Holy Spirit and it has really opened my eyes to the third person of the trinity, trully amazing stuff. was watching richard roberts last night and he was talking about when the prophet elijah was running from jezabel and hiding in a cave. God asked elijah where he was. r.r. said God asks all of us the same thing at time in our life.so where are you? are you doing what god would have you to do.for myself i would have to say yes at times and no at others. i'm trying to let God have more of a role in ruling what i say and do. good night and God bless

[/ QUOTE ]

I still struggle from day to day......I try to do as much as I can, the right way......but I often stumble.......it's really hard at work, to keep a steady walk with God, when there is so much sin around me......especially when I used to be a part of it........I know Satan uses it to try and bring me down, to discourage me...and sometimes it works....but I just keep praying........but it could be that God is also preparing me for something in the future......

huntinsanobsession, that was a fantastic testimony.....I'm sorry for the things in your past, but you have such a wonderful future.....congratulations on your upcoming wedding.......God Bless, Clay

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Re: A Christain Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

While digging through some old photos to scan today, I came across this letter I wrote, way back in 1987. I wrote it, to the Lord, a couple of years after I was saved. I was fishing at the time, a long way from home, and feeling very lonely.

When I read it today, it still holds true of how I feel, deep inside.


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Guest huntinsanobsession

Re: A Christain Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

saw this in the lounge and thought this would be another great place to put this amazing story

Even if you saw this on Oprah....read it and then watch the movie!!!

One of the most touching stories I have ever read.

Amazing Story!

I try to be a good father. Give my kids mulligans. Work nights to pay

for their text messaging. Take them to swimsuit shoots.

But compared with Dick Hoyt, I suck.

Eighty-five times he's pushed his disabled son, Rick, 26.2 miles in

marathons. Eight times he's not only pushed him 26.2 miles in a wheelchair

but also towed him 2.4 miles in a dinghy while swimming and pedaled

him 112 miles in a seat on the handlebars--all in the same day.

Dick's also pulled him cross-country skiing, taken him on his back mountain

climbing and once hauled him across the U.S. on a bike. Makes taking

your son bowling look a little lame, right?

And what has Rick done for his father? Not much--except save his

life. This love story began in Winchester, Mass., 43 years ago, when Rick

was strangled by the umbilical cord during birth, leaving himbrain-damaged

and unable to control his limbs.

``He'll be a vegetable the rest of his life;'' Dick says doctors told him

and his wife, Judy, when Rick was nine months old. ``Put him in an institution.''

But the Hoyts weren't buying it. They noticed the way Rick's eyes

followed them around the room. When Rick was 11 they took him to the

engineering department at Tufts University and asked if there was anything to

help the boy communicate. ``No way,'' Dick says he was told. ``There's nothing

going on in his brain.'' "Tell him a joke,'' Dick countered. They did. Rick laughed. Turns out

a lot was going on in his brain.

Rigged up with a computer that allowed him to control the cursor by touching

a switch with the side of his head, Rick was finally able to communicate.

First words? ``Go Bruins!'' And after a high school classmate was paralyzed

in an accident and the school organized a charity run for him, Rick pecked

out, ``Dad, I want to do that.'' Yeah, right. How was Dick, a self-described

``porker'' who never ran more than a mile at a time, going to push his

son five miles? Still, he tried. ``Then it was me who was handicapped,'' Dick says.

``I was sore for two weeks.''

That day changed Rick's life. ``Dad,'' he typed, ``when we were running, it

felt like I wasn't disabled anymore!'' And that sentence changed Dick's life.

He became obsessed with giving Rick that feeling as often as he could. He

got into such hard-belly shape that he and Rick were ready to try the

1979 Boston Marathon.

``No way,'' Dick was told by a race official. The Hoyts weren't quite a

single runner, and they weren't quite a wheelchair competitor. For a few

years Dick and Rick just joined the massive field and ran anyway, then

they found a way to get into the race officially: In 1983 they ran another

marathon so fast they made the qualifying time for Boston the following


Then somebody said, ``Hey, Dick, why not a triathlon?''

How's a guy who never learned to swim and hadn't ridden a bike since

he was six going to haul his 110-pound kid through a triathlon? Still, Dick


Now they've done 212 triathlons, including four grueling 15-hour Ironmans in

Hawaii. It must be a buzzkill to be a 25-year-old stud getting passed

by an old guy towing a grown man in a dinghy, don't you think?

Hey, Dick, why not see how you'd do on your own? ``No way,'' he says.

Dick does it purely for ``the awesome feeling'' he gets seeing Rick with a

cantaloupe smile as they run, swim and ride together.

This year, at ages 65 and 43, Dick and Rick finished their 24th Boston

Marathon, in 5,083rd place out of more than 20,000 starters. Their best

time'? Two hours, 40 minutes in 1992--only 35 minutes off the world

record, which, in case you don't keep track of these things, happens to be

held by a guy who was not pushing another man in a wheelchair at the time.

``No question about it,'' Rick types. ``My dad is the Father of the


And Dick got something else out of all this too. Two years ago he had a

mild heart attack during a race. Doctors found that one of his arteries

was 95% clogged. ``If you hadn't been in such great shape,'' one doctor told

him,``you probably would've died 15 years ago.'' So, in a way, Dick and Rick saved

each other's life. Rick, who has his own apartment (he gets home care) and works in

Boston, and Dick, retired from the military and living in Holland, Mass., always

find always to be together. They give speeches around the country and compete

in some backbreaking race every weekend, including this Father's Day.

That night, Rick will buy his dad dinner, but the thing he reall y wants to

give him is a gift he can never buy.

``The thing I'd most like,'' Rick types, ``is that my dad sit in the chair

and I push him once.''

**Now get your tissues ready**

>>Here's the video.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjPrL3n63yg

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Guest benhohnke

Re: A Christain Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

on saturday down in sydney at the super dome we had our big EXO day and near the end of the night we had a guest speaker RACHEAL SCOTT"S dad for those that do not know racheal was the first person to be killed in the Columbine masacar. Even though i have heard and seen his video's many time's it still bought a tear to my eye and had a major impact on my life. Exo day was a very enjoyable day and i cannot wait to get back next year

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: A Christain Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

I've got a big day coming up this Sunday, and I'm starting to sweat it already. In our church, we don't pay our pastor. A member volunteers and is approved by our congregation so, Dean Cobbs is the man who regularly gives our Sunday morning lessons. When he's not there, my father-in-law, J.E., gives them. Well, this coming Sunday niether of them will be there so I've been asked to stand in for them. We're a small church, only have a regular attendance of 15 or so, and none of the other men felt like they were at a place, either personally or spiritually, to "lead" our church. It will be a one time thing, or so I'm told, but it's still weighing on me pretty heavily. To stand up and give a lesson to the people that I look to for spiritual guidance, is a daunting task to me. A few prayers for guidance and the strength to give a good lesson I guess is what I'm asking for.


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Re: A Christain Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies


Just look to His Word and trust in Him.........give diligent study and He will do the rest. I know that it may be easier for someone like me.......but trust me, I have gotten greater blessings from someone who has never done this before than some who do it for a living! We will be thinking about you! If I can help, let me know.

Be Blessed,


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Re: A Christain Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

Everything went great this past Sunday. I was pretty nervous and unsure of myself, but it was a great experience. Once I got up, I rambled a while before I started the lesson and that really put my nerves at ease. We had a light attendance due to all the rain, only 12 people were there, that made it a little easier also. I had found a sermon from another preacher that spoke to me and rewritten it, so once I started speaking, I think God led me through my lesson.

The best part of the whole experience was the time I spent studying and communing with the Lord in solice. I hadn't spent that much time in a week studying the Bible in a long time, and it really did me some good.

Thanks for the prayers guy's!

Preacherman, I fully intended on sending you my lesson beforehand for some feedback, but my wife came down sick Friday so I played Mr. Mom for her and our daughter Friday and Saturday. I'll bring it up later this week and post it for everyone to read. Thanks again.


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Re: A Christain Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies

I'm stuck in the hospital tonight taking care of a few really sick folks, and I was looking through the forum and found this room and read through this thread - what a great thread.... It is incredibly encouraging to find so many fellow believers.

I grew up in a Christian home and even went to a Christian school, so I had a lot of knowledge of what being a Christian is and even lived like a Christian. However, I really started to feel the Lord's conviction on my life because I didn't have a true personal relationship with Him. I struggled with His conviction and put it off for about 2 years - fortunately the Lord didn't give up on me, instead he really pounded my conscience until I realized I couldn't resist his call any longer. I often wonder how much longer he would have worked on me - who knows? It wasn't until I was 17 (man that was back in 1988!) that I gave my life to Christ and came to a personal relationship with Him! From that time, God has really given me a sense of purpose and a direction in life that can only come from Him.

College and medical school were incredible times of growth in my relationship with Christ - solidified my intentions to follow him in a daily walk... Then God really blessed me with a bride who loves the Lord and has been a role model in her desire and consistency in her Christian walk.

As I read through this thread, I relate to so much of what has been said already. Unfortunately, one of the things I can relate to most is inconsistency - in failing to spend dedicated time in the Word and in prayer every day, in missing countless opportunities to share my faith, etc... However, it is encouraging to see God work in fellow believers' lives, and this helps me strive for a closer walk with Him. Thanks for starting this thread, and if it's alright with you guys I'd like to stop back by...

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